Information on this website refers to a deprecated product, and is provided only for historical reference. Please use the Version Switcher above to select an appropriate documentation website for the product you are using.


Type class

DataSetSelector is a tool for selecting data set’s as main and for comparing with main data set.


Type class

GraphDataItem holds all the information about the graph’s data item. When working with a chart, you do not create GraphDataItem objects or change it’s properties directly. GraphDataItem is passed to you by events when user interacts with data item on the chart. The list of properties below will help you to extract data item’s value/coordinate/etc.


Type class

Guides are straight vertical or horizontal lines or areas supported by AmSerialChart, AmXYChart and AmRadarChart. You can have guides both on value and category axes. To add/remove a guide to an axis, use axis.addGuide(guide)/axis.removeGuide(guide) methods.


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Common settings of legends. If you change a property after the chart is initialized, you should call stockChart.validateNow() method in order for it to work. If there is no default value specified, default value of StockLegend class will be used.


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PanelsSettings settings set’s settings for all StockPanels. If you change a property after the chart is initialized, you should call stockChart.validateNow() method in order for it to work. If there is no default value specified, default value of StockPanel class will be used.


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PeriodSelector displays date input fields and predefined period buttons.


Type class

SerialDataItem holds all the information about each series. When working with a chart, you do not create SerialDataItem objects or change it’s properties directly. Consider properties of a SerialDataItem read-only – change values in chart’s data provider if you need to. When serial chart parses dataProvider, it generates “chartData” array. Objects of this array are SerialDataItem objects.


Type class

Slice is an item of AmPieChart’s chartData Array and holds all the information about the slice. When working with a pie chart, you do not create slices or change it’s properties directly, instead you set array of data using dataProvider property. Consider properties of a Slice read-only – change values in chart’s data provider if you need to.


Type class

StockEvent is object which holds information about event (bullet). Values from StockEventsSettings will be used if not set. Stock event bullet’s size depends on it’s graphs fontSize. When user rolls-over, clicks or rolls-out of the event bullet, AmStockChart dispatches events.