Transferring demos from, CodePen or jsFiddle into WordPress

Type tutorial

Most of the amCharts demos you find will be shown on either demo section, CodePen or jsFiddle websites. This tutorial focuses on how to easily transfer them into your WordPress website. Prerequisites This tutorial relies on amCharts WordPress plugin. If you haven’t done so already, we strongly advise you to check this introductory tutorial, […]

Using amCharts WordPress plugin

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WordPress being the single most used web publishing platform, is perfect for when you want your website up and running in minutes. However, when it comes to dynamic content, such as JavaScript, you’ll find that there’s practically no options in the plain vanilla WP install. This is precisely the reason why we went ahead and […]

Using amCharts 3 with React

Type tutorial

Intro This article uses an official amCharts React component, available for download on this GitHub repository, or via amCharts CDN. Installation Include React and React-DOM: <script src=””></script> <script src=””></script> Also include AmCharts: <script src=””></script> <script src=””></script> <script src=””></script> Lastly include the amcharts3-react plugin: <script src=”amcharts3-react.js”></script> Usage You can now use the AmCharts.React component in your React […]

Setting custom column names for exported chart data

Type tutorial

Besides exporting charts to images and PDF, you can use our Export plugin for other things, like exporting it’s data to CSV, Excel and other formats. By default, column names will be exported using their “internal” field names – the same way they appear in data. I.e. “value”, “volume”, etc. Using graph names to replace internal […]