Information on this website refers to a deprecated product, and is provided only for historical reference. Please use the Version Switcher above to select an appropriate documentation website for the product you are using.


Type class

AmBalloon is the class which generates balloons (datatips). Balloon follows the mouse when you roll-over the pie slice/line bullet/column/etc, chart indicator of serial charts displays value balloons and category balloon. Balloon instance is created by the chart automatically and can be accessed via "balloon" property of AmChart. Chart shows/hides and sets position for every balloon automatically, so all you need to do is to change balloon appearance, if you want to. For example:


Type class

AmChart is a base class of all charts. It can not be instantiated explicitly. AmCoordinateChart, AmPieChart and AmMap extend AmChart class.


Type class

AmCharts object (it’s not a class) is create automatically when amcharts.js or amstock.js file is included in a web page.


Type class

AmCoordinateChart is a base class of AmRectangularChart. It can not be instantiated explicitly.


Type class

AmGraph class displays all types of graphs – line, column, step line, smoothed line, ohlc and candlestick. Example:


Type class

AmLegend is the class that displays legend of the chart. Legend to the chart should be added using chart.addLegend(legend) method. For example:


Type class

AmMap is the main class of the AmMap application. Example:


Type class

AmPieChart class creates pie/donut chart. In order to display pie chart you need to set at least three properties – dataProvider, titleField and valueField. For example:


Type class

AmRadarChart is the class you have to use for radar and polar chart types.


Type class

AmRectangularChart is a base class of AmSerialChart and AmXYChart. It can not be instantiated explicitly.