Information on this website refers to a deprecated product, and is provided only for historical reference. Please use the Version Switcher above to select an appropriate documentation website for the product you are using.


Type class

StockPanel class creates stock panels (charts). AmStockChart can have multiple Stock panels.


StockPanel extends AmSerialChart.

StockPanel is not extended by any other symbol.



Type boolean

Default false

Specifies whether x button will be displayed near the panel. This button allows turning panel off.


Type boolean

Default false

If true, drawing icons will be displayed in top-right corner.


Type ValueAxis


Specifies on which value axis user can draw trend lines. Set drawingIconsEnabled to true if you want drawing icons to be visible. First value axis will be used if not set here.


Type boolean

Default false

Specifies if all trend lines should be erased when erase button is clicked. If false, trend lines can be erased one by one.


Type number

Default 18

Size of trend line drawing icons. If you change this size, you should update icon images if you want them to look properly.


Type number


Relative height of panel. Possible values 0 - 100.


Type string

Default whenComparing

Specifies when values should be recalculated to percents. Possible values are: "never", "always", "whenComparing".


Type boolean

Default true

Specifies whether this panel will show category axis.


Type Array of StockGraph objects


Type StockLegend


Stock chart legend.


Type string


Title of a panel. Note, StockLegend should be added in order title to be displayed.


Type number

Default 1

Trend line opacity.


Type string

Default #00CC00

Trend line color.


Type number

Default 0

Trend line dash length.


Type number

Default 2

Trend line thickness.


Type CategoryAxis

Default instance of CategoryAxis

Inherited from AmSerialChart

Read-only. Chart creates category axis itself. If you want to change some properties, you should get this axis from the chart and set properties to this object.


Type string


Inherited from AmSerialChart

Category field name tells the chart the name of the field in your dataProvider object which will be used for category axis values.


Type array


Inherited from AmSerialChart

Read-only. Array of SerialDataItem objects generated from dataProvider.


Type number

Default 5

Inherited from AmSerialChart

The gap in pixels between two columns of the same category.


Type number

Default 0

Inherited from AmSerialChart

Space between 3D stacked columns.


Type number

Default 0.8

Inherited from AmSerialChart

Relative width of columns. Value range is 0 - 1.


Type array


Inherited from AmSerialChart

Array holding chart's data.


Type Date


Inherited from AmSerialChart

Read-only. If category axis parses dates endDate indicates date to which the chart is currently displayed.


Type number


Inherited from AmSerialChart

Read-only. Category index to which the chart is currently displayed.


Type number


Inherited from AmSerialChart

Maximum number of series allowed to select.


Type number


Inherited from AmSerialChart

The longest time span allowed to select (in milliseconds) for example, 259200000 will limit selection to 3 days.


Type number

Default 0

Inherited from AmSerialChart

The shortest time span allowed to select (in milliseconds) for example, 1000 will limit selection to 1 second.


Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from AmSerialChart

If you set this to true, the chart will be rotated by 90 degrees (the columns will become bars).


Type Date


Inherited from AmSerialChart

Read-only. If category axis parses dates startDate indicates date from which the chart is currently displayed.


Type number


Inherited from AmSerialChart

Read-only. Category index from which the chart is currently displayed.


Type boolean

Default true

Inherited from AmSerialChart

Specifies if chart should zoom-out when data is updated.


Type number

Default 0

Inherited from AmRectangularChart

The angle of the 3D part of plot area. This creates a 3D effect (if the "depth3D" is > 0).


Type number

Default 10

Inherited from AmRectangularChart

Space left from axis labels/title to the chart's outside border, if autoMargins set to true.


Type boolean

Default true

Inherited from AmRectangularChart

Specifies if margins of a chart should be calculated automatically so that labels of axes would fit. The chart will adjust only margins with axes. Other margins will use values set with marginRight, marginTop, marginLeft and marginBottom properties.


Type ChartCursor


Inherited from AmRectangularChart

Chart cursor.


Type ChartScrollbar


Inherited from AmRectangularChart

Chart scrollbar.


Type number

Default 0

Inherited from AmRectangularChart

The depth of the 3D part of plot area. This creates a 3D effect (if the "angle" is > 0).


Type number

Default 20

Inherited from AmRectangularChart

Number of pixels between the container's bottom border and plot area. This space can be used for bottom axis' values. If autoMargin is true and bottom side has axis, this property is ignored.


Type number

Default 20

Inherited from AmRectangularChart

Number of pixels between the container's left border and plot area. This space can be used for left axis' values. If autoMargin is true and left side has axis, this property is ignored.


Type number

Default 20

Inherited from AmRectangularChart

Number of pixels between the container's right border and plot area. This space can be used for Right axis' values. If autoMargin is true and right side has axis, this property is ignored.


Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from AmRectangularChart

Flag which should be set to false if you need margins to be recalculated on next chart.validateNow() call.


Type number

Default 20

Inherited from AmRectangularChart

Number of pixels between the container's top border and plot area. This space can be used for top axis' values. If autoMargin is true and top side has axis, this property is ignored.


Type number

Default 0

Inherited from AmRectangularChart

If you are using gradients to fill the plot area, you can use this property to set gradient angle. The only allowed values are horizontal and vertical: 0, 90, 180, 270.


Type array

Inherited from AmRectangularChart

Array of trend lines added to a chart. You can add trend lines to a chart using this array or access already existing trend lines


Type object

Default {

Inherited from AmRectangularChart

It's a simple object containing information about zoom-out button. Other available properties of this object are fontSize and color. color specifies text color of a button.


Type string

Default Show all

Inherited from AmRectangularChart

Text in the zoom-out button.


Type array

Default ['#FF6600',

Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Specifies the colors of the graphs if the lineColor of a graph is not set. It there are more graphs then colors in this array, the chart picks random color.


Type array


Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

The array of graphs belonging to this chart. To add/remove graph use addGraph/removeGraph methods instead of adding/removing graphs directly to array.


Type number

Default 0

Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

The opacity of plot area's border. Value range is 0 - 1.


Type string

Default #000000

Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

The color of the plot area's border. Note, the it is invisible by default, as plotAreaBorderAlpha default value is 0. Set it to a value higher than 0 to make it visible.


Type number

Default 0

Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Opacity of plot area. Plural form is used to keep the same property names as our Flex charts'. Flex charts can accept array of numbers to generate gradients. Although you can set array here, only first value of this array will be used.


Type String/Array

Default #FFFFFF

Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

You can set both one color if you need a solid color or array of colors to generate gradients, for example: ["#000000", "#0000CC"]


Type boolean

Default true

Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Specifies whether the animation should be sequenced or all objects should appear at once.


Type number

Default 1

Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

The initial opacity of the column/line. If you set startDuration to a value higher than 0, the columns/lines will fade in from startAlpha. Value range is 0 - 1.


Type number

Default 0

Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Duration of the animation, in seconds.


Type string

Default elastic

Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Animation effect. Possible values are ">", "<", elastic" and "bounce".


Type string

Default _self

Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Target of url.


Type array


Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

The array of value axes. To add/remove value axis use addValueAxis/removeValueAxis methods instead of adding/removing axes directly to array. Chart creates one value axis automatically, so if you need only one value axis, you don't need to create it.


Type string

Default #FFFFFF

Inherited from AmChart

Background color. You should set backgroundAlpha to >0 value in order background to be visible. We recommend setting background color directly on a chart's DIV instead of using this property.


Type AmBalloon

Default AmBalloon

Inherited from AmChart

The chart creates AmBalloon class itself. If you want to customize balloon, get balloon instance using this property, and then change balloon's properties.


Type number

Default 0

Inherited from AmChart

Opacity of chart's border. Value range is 0 - 1.


Type string

Default #000000

Inherited from AmChart

Color of chart's border. You should set borderAlpha >0 in order border to be visible. We recommend setting border color directly on a chart's DIV instead of using this property.


Type string

Default #000000

Inherited from AmChart

Text color.


Type string

Default Verdana

Inherited from AmChart

Font family.


Type number

Default 11

Inherited from AmChart

Font size.


Type Number/String

Default 100%

Inherited from AmChart

Height of a chart. "100%" means the chart's height will be equal to it's container's (DIV) height and will resize if height of the container changes. Set a number instead of percents if your chart's size needs to be fixed.


Type DIV object

Inherited from AmChart

Reference to the div of the legend.


Type object

Default {

Inherited from AmChart

Object with precision, decimalSeparator and thousandsSeparator set which will be used for number formatting. Precision set to -1 means that values won't be rounded.


Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from AmChart

This setting affects touch-screen devices only. If a chart is on a page, and panEventsEnabled are set to true, the page won't move if the user touches the chart first. If a chart is big enough and occupies all the screen of your touch device, the user won’t be able to move the page at all. That's why the default value is "false". If you think that selecting/panning the chart or moving/pinching the map is a primary purpose of your users, you should set panEventsEnabled to true.


Type string

Inherited from AmChart

Specifies path to the folder where images like resize grips, lens and similar are.


Type object

Default {

Inherited from AmChart

Object with precision, decimalSeparator and thousandsSeparator set which will be used for formatting percent values.


Type array

Default [{
}, {
}, {
}, {
}, {
}, {
}, {
}, {

Inherited from AmChart

Prefixes which are used to make big numbers shorter: 2M instead of 2000000, etc. Prefixes are used on value axes and in the legend. To enable prefixes, set usePrefixes property to true.


Type array

Default [{
}, {
}, {
}, {
}, {
}, {
}, {
}, {

Inherited from AmChart

Prefixes which are used to make small numbers shorter: 2μ instead of 0.000002, etc. Prefixes are used on value axes and in the legend. To enable prefixes, set usePrefixes property to true.


Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from AmChart

If true, prefixes will be used for big and small numbers. You can set arrays of prefixes via prefixesOfSmallNumbers and prefixesOfBigNumbers properties.


Type string

Inherited from AmChart

Read-only. Indicates current version of a script.

There are 60 inherited items currently hidden from this list.




Returns void

Inherited from AmRectangularChart

Adds a ChartCursor object to a chart cursor - instace of ChartCursor



Returns void

Inherited from AmRectangularChart

Adds a ChartScrollbar to a chart scrollbar - instance of ChartScrollbar




Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Adds a graph to the chart.

graph - instance of AmGraph



Returns void

Inherited from AmChart

Adds a label on a chart. You can use it for labeling axes, adding chart title, etc. x and y coordinates can be set in number, percent, or a number with ! in front of it - coordinate will be calculated from right or bottom instead of left or top.

x - horizontal coordinate y - vertical coordinate text - label's text align - alignment (left/right/center) size - text size color - text color rotation - angle of rotation alpha - label alpha bold - specifies if text is bold (true/false), url - url of a



Returns void

Inherited from AmChart

Adds a legend to the chart. By default, you don't need to create div for your legend, however if you want it to be positioned in some different way, you can create div anywhere you want and pass id or reference to your div as a second parameter. (NOTE: This method will not work on StockPanel.) legend - AmLegend, legendDivID - id or reference to legend div (optional)



Returns void

Inherited from AmChart

Adds event listener to the object.

type - string like 'dataUpdated' (should be listed in 'events' section of this class or classes which extend this class). handler - function which is called when event happens



Returns void

Adds a graph to the panel.

graph - instance of StockGraph



Returns void

Inherited from AmChart

Adds title to the top of the chart. Pie, Radar positions are updated so that they won't overlap. Plot area of Serial/XY chart is also updated unless autoMargins property is set to false. You can add any number of titles - each of them will be placed in a new line. To remove titles, simply clear titles array: chart.titles = []; and call chart.validateNow() method.

text - text of a title size - font size color - title color alpha - title opacity bold - boolean value indicating if title should be bold.



Returns void

Inherited from AmRectangularChart

Adds a TrendLine to a chart. You should call chart.validateNow() after this method is called in order the trend line to be visible.





Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Adds value axis to the chart. One value axis is created automatically, so if you don't want to change anything or add more value axes, you don't need to add it.

axis - instance of ValueAxis




Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

You can trigger the animation of the chart.



Returns void

Inherited from AmChart

Clears the chart area, intervals, etc.



Returns void

Inherited from AmChart

Removes all labels added to the chart.



Returns Number

Inherited from AmSerialChart

Returns index of the specified category value.

value - series (category value) which index you want to find.



Returns AmGraph

Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Returns graph by id.

id - graph's id, String



Returns ValueAxis

Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Returns value axis by id.

id - value axis' id, String




Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Hide the graph (if it is visible). Usually this method is called from the Legend, when you click on the legend marker.

graph - instance of AmGraph




Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Hide value balloon of a graph. Usually this method is called from the Legend, when you click on the legend text.

graph - instance of AmGraph




Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Highlight the graph. Usually this method is called from the Legend, when you roll-over the legend entry.

graph - instance of AmGraph



Returns void

Inherited from AmChart

Use this method to force the chart to resize to it's current container size.




Inherited from AmRectangularChart

Removes cursor from the chart




Inherited from AmRectangularChart

Removes scrollbar from the chart




Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Removes graph from the chart.

graph - instance of AmGraph



Returns void

Inherited from AmChart

Removes chart's legend.



Returns void

Inherited from AmChart

Removes event listener from chart object.

chart - chart object, type - event name, handler - method



Returns void

Removes graph from the panel.

graph - instance of StockGraph



Returns void

Inherited from AmRectangularChart

Removes a trend line from a chart. You should call chart.validateNow() in order the changes to be visible.





Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Removes value axis from the chart. When you remove value axis, all graphs assigned to this axis are also removed.

axis - instance of ValueAxis




Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Show the graph (if it is hidden). Usually this method is called from the Legend, when you click on the legend marker.

graph - instance of AmGraph




Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Show value balloon of a graph. Usually this method is called from the Legend, when you click on the legend text.

graph - instance of AmGraph




Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

UnhighlightGraph the graph. Usually this method is called from the Legend, when you roll-out the legend entry.

graph - instance of AmGraph



Returns void

Inherited from AmChart

This method should be called after data in your data provider changed or a new array was set to dataProvider. After calling this method the chart will parse data and redraw.



Returns void

Inherited from AmChart

This method should be called after you changed one or more properties of any class. The chart will redraw after this method is called.



Returns void

Inherited from AmChart

Adds chart to the specified DIV.

container - id of a DIV or DIV object which will hold the chart




Inherited from AmSerialChart

Zooms out, charts shows all available data.




Inherited from AmSerialChart

Zooms the chart by the value of the category axis.

start - category value, String \ end - category value, String




Inherited from AmSerialChart

Zooms the chart from one date to another.

start - start date, Date object \ end - end date, Date object




Inherited from AmSerialChart

Zooms the chart by the index of the category.

start - start index, Number \ end - end index, Number

There are 36 inherited items currently hidden from this list.



Param {type:"changed", index:Number, zooming:Boolean, chart:AmChart}

Inherited from AmSerialChart

Dispatched when cursor position is changed. "index" is a series index over which chart cursors currently is. "zooming" specifies if user is currently zooming (is selecting) the chart.


Param {endDate:Date, endIndex:Number, endValue:String, startDate:Date, startIndex:Number, startValue:String, chart:AmChart}

Inherited from AmSerialChart

Dispatched when the chart is zoomed (even for the first time, when chart is initialized)


Param {type:"clickGraph", graph:AmGraph, chart:AmChart}

Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Dispatched when user clicks on a graph.


Param {type:"clickGraphItem", graph:AmGraph, item:GraphDataItem, index:Number, chart:AmChart}

Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Dispatched when user clicks on the data item (column/bullet)


Param {type:"rightClickGraphItem", graph:AmGraph, item:GraphDataItem, index:Number, chart:AmChart}

Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Dispatched when user right-clicks on the data item (column/bullet)


Param {type:"rollOutGraphItem", graph:AmGraph, item:GraphDataItem, index:Number, chart:AmChart}

Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Dispatched when user rolls-out of the data item (column/bullet)


Param {type:"rollOverGraphItem", graph:AmGraph, item:GraphDataItem, index:Number, chart:AmChart}

Inherited from AmCoordinateChart

Dispatched when user rolls-over data item (column/bullet)


Param {type:"dataUpdated", chart:AmChart}

Inherited from AmChart

Dispatched when chart is build for the first time or after validateData() method was called.


Param {type:"init", chart:AmChart}

Inherited from AmChart

Dispatched when chart is build for the first time.


Param {type:"rendered", chart:AmChart}

Inherited from AmChart

Dispatched when the chart is build for the first time.

There are 10 inherited items currently hidden from this list.


StockPanel does not have any adapters.