
Type class

Base class for ValueAxis and CategoryAxis. It can not be instantiated explicitly.


AxisBase does not extend any other symbol.

AxisBase is extended by ValueAxis, ValueAxis, CategoryAxis, CategoryAxis.



Type boolean

Default true

Specifies whether number of gridCount is specified automatically, acoarding to the axis size.


Type number

Angle of label rotation, if the number of series exceeds autoRotateCount. Works on horizontal axis only. It is not recommended to use it with charts with zoom/scroll features, as chart adjusts margin only based on initial render.


Type number

If the number of category axis items will exceed the autoRotateCount, the labels will be rotated by autoRotateAngle degree. Works on horizontal axis only. Not recommended with scrollable/zoomable charts.


Type number

Default 1

Axis opacity. Value range is 0 - 1.


Type color

Default #000000

Axis color.


Type number

Default 1

Thickness of the axis.


Type boolean

Default false

Specifies if axis labels should be bold or not.


Type boolean

Default true

When parse dates is on for the category axis, the chart will try to highlight the beginning of the periods, like month, in bold. Set this to false to disable the functionality.


Type boolean

Default true

This setting works only when parseDates is set to true and equalSpacing is set to false. In case you set it to false, labels will never be centered between grid lines.


Type boolean

Default false

Force-centers labels of date-based axis (in case it's category axis, equalSpacing must be false)


Type boolean

Default false

In case you have rotated labels on horizontal axis, you can force-center them using this property.


Type color

Color of axis value labels. Will use chart's color if not set.


Type number

Default 0

Length of a dash. 0 means line is not dashed.


Type object[]

Default [{
}, {
}, {
}, {
}, {
  "format":"MMM DD"
}, {
  "format":"MMM DD"
}, {
}, {

Date formats of different periods. Possible period values: fff - milliseconds, ss - seconds, mm - minutes, hh - hours, DD - days, MM - months, WW - weeks, YYYY - years. Check this page for date formatting strings.


Type number

Default 0

Fill opacity. Every second space between grid lines can be filled with color. Set fillAlpha to a value greater than 0 to see the fills.


Type color

Default #FFFFFF

Fill color. Every second space between grid lines can be filled with color. Set fillAlpha to a value greater than 0 to see the fills.


Type number

Default 1

Sets first day of the week. 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc.


Type number

Size of value labels text. Will use chart's fontSize if not set.


Type number

Default 0.15

Opacity of grid lines.


Type color

Default #000000

Color of grid lines.


Type number

Default 5

Number of grid lines. In case this is value axis, or your categoryAxis parses dates, the number is approximate. The default value is 5. If you set autoGridCount to true, this property is ignored.


Type number

Default 1

Thickness of grid lines.


Type Guide[]

Default []

The array of guides belonging to this axis.


Type boolean

Default false

If autoMargins of a chart is set to true, but you want this axis not to be measured when calculating margin, set ignoreAxisWidth to true.


Type boolean

Default false

Specifies whether values should be placed inside or outside plot area.


Type number

Default 1

Frequency at which labels should be placed. Doesn't work for CategoryAxis if parseDates is set to true.


Type number

Default 0

You can use it to adjust position of axes labels. Works both with CategoryAxis and ValueAxis.


Type number

Default 0

Rotation angle of a label. Only horizontal axis' values can be rotated. If you set this for vertical axis, the setting will be ignored. Possible values from -90 to 90.


Type boolean

Default true

Specifies whether axis displays category axis' labels and value axis' values.


Type object[]

You can add listeners of events using this property. Example: listeners = [{"event":"clickItem", "method":handleEvent}];


Type boolean

Default true

If you set it to false, the start of longer periods won't use a different date format and won't be bold.


Type number

Default 75

This property is used when calculating grid count (when autoGridCount is true). It specifies minimum cell width required for one span between grid lines.


Type number

Default 0.07

Opacity of minor grid. In order minor to be visible, you should set minorGridEnabled to true.


Type boolean

Default false

Specifies if minor grid should be displayed.

NOTE: If equalSpacing is set to true, this setting will be ignored.


Type number

Default 0

Length of minor grid tick.


Type number

Default 35

This property is used when calculating grid count (when autoGridCount is true). It specifies minimum cell height required for one span between grid lines.


Type number

Default 0

The distance of the axis to the plot area, in pixels. Negative values can also be used.


Type string

Default bottom

Possible values are: "top", "bottom", "left", "right". If axis is vertical, default position is "left". If axis is horizontal, default position is "bottom".


Type boolean

Default true

Whether to show first axis label or not. This works properly only on ValueAxis. With CategoryAxis it wont work 100%, it depends on the period, zooming, etc. There is no guaranteed way to force category axis to show or hide first label.


Type boolean

Default true

Whether to show last axis label or not. This works properly only on ValueAxis. With CategoryAxis it wont work 100%, it depends on the period, zooming, etc. There is no guaranteed way to force category axis to show or hide last label.


Type number

Default 5

Length of the tick marks.


Type string

Title of the axis.


Type boolean

Default true

Specifies if title should be bold or not.


Type color

Color of axis title. Will use text color of chart if not set any.


Type number

Font size of axis title. Will use font size of chart plus two pixels if not set any.


Type number

Rotation of axis title. Useful if you want to make vertical axis title to be shown from top to down.




Returns void

Adds guide to the axis.

guide - instance of Guide



Returns void

Removes guide from the axis.

guide - instance of Guide



Param {type: "clickGuide", guide:Guide, chart:AmRectangularChart}

Dispatched when user clicks on a guide.


Param {type: "clickItem", value:value, serialDataItem:SerialDataItem, axis:AxisBase, target:label, chart:AmRectangularChart, event:MouseEvent}

Fired if user clicks on axis label.


Param {type: "rollOutGuide", guide:Guide, chart:AmRectangularChart}

Dispatched when user rolls-out of the guide.


Param {type: "rollOutItem", value:value, serialDataItem:SerialDataItem, axis:AxisBase, target:label, chart:AmRectangularChart, event:MouseEvent}

Fired if user rolls-out of the axis label.


Param {type: "rollOverGuide", guide:Guide, chart:AmRectangularChart}

Dispatched when user rolls-over some guide.


Param {type: "rollOverItem", value:value, serialDataItem:SerialDataItem, axis:AxisBase, target:label, chart:AmRectangularChart, event:MouseEvent}

Fired if user rolls-over axis label.


AxisBase does not have any adapters.