
Type class

GraphDataItem holds all the information about the graph’s data item. When working with a chart, you do not create GraphDataItem objects or change it’s properties directly. GraphDataItem is passed to you by events when user interacts with data item on the chart. The list of properties below will help you to extract data item’s value/coordinate/etc.


Type class

Creates a horizontal/vertical guideline-/area for AmSerialChart, AmXYChart and AmRadarChart charts, automatically adapts it’s settings from the axes if none has been specified.


Type class

Image is used to add images to the end/start of trend lines. Allows you to display image anywhere on chart’s plot area.


Type class

ImagesSettings is a class which defines the default settings for all MapImage objects.


Type class

Creates a label on the chart which can be placed anywhere, multiple can be assigned.


Type class

Common settings of legends. If you change a property after the chart is initialized, you should call stockChart.validateNow() method in order for it to work. If there is no default value specified, default value of StockLegend class will be used.


Type class

LinesSettings is a class which defines the default settings for all MapLine objects.


Type class

Extension for MapObject to define individual settings for each area defined in the SVG map. It overwrites the settings obtained from AreasSettings.


Type class

Extension for MapObject to define the dataProvider for the map. It’s an object which may contain an array of images, areas or lines.


Type class

Extension for MapObject to define individual settings for each image. it overwrites the settings obtained from ImagesSettings. It supports svg (or path), png, jpg or gif files and has three predefined types available circle, rectangle and bubble, labels can be shown as well.