
Type class

Extension for MapObject to define the dataProvider for the map. It’s an object which may contain an array of images, areas or lines.


Type class

Extension for MapObject to define individual settings for each image. it overwrites the settings obtained from ImagesSettings. It supports svg (or path), png, jpg or gif files and has three predefined types available circle, rectangle and bubble, labels can be shown as well.


Type class

Extension for MapObject to define individual settings for each line. it overwrites the settings obtained from LinesSettings.


Type class

Baseclass for MapArea, MapLine and MapImage, it overwrites the default settings from AreasSettings, LinesSettings and ImagesSettings.


Type class

Creates a list of all available MapObjects, it’s entries can be generally controlled within the AmMap class using showAreasInList, showLinesInList, showImagesInList or individually within the MapObject itself.


Type class

Creates a small overview which indicates the current zoom level and position of the map.


Type class

Creates a title on above the chart, multiple can be assigned.


Type class

This class displays a color range used by areas (in case you set values for your areas).


Type class

Creates the controls for the map to change the zoom level and pan around the map.