Live-editing Chart Data

Type tutorial

Sometimes we get the questions that go along like this “How do I hook up HTML controls to live chart data?”. While technically it’s beyond what charts do, we’re feeling generous, so let’s build a nice chart data editor. Shall we? NOTE: If you don’t feel like parsing so many letters, you can jump right […]

Moving average indicators for Stock Chart

Type tutorial

Normally JavaScript Stock Chart does not support automatically-calculated “moving average” graphs or other indicators. However, it’s quite easy to add such functionality yourself. Here’s a code for “moving average”: (it should be included after amstoock.js) // MOVING AVERAGE PLUGIN FOR JAVASCRIPT STOCK CHARTS FROM AMCHARTS // AmCharts.averageGraphs = 0; AmCharts.addMovingAverage = function (dataSet, panel, field) […]

Multiple data sets with regular charts

Type tutorial

Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you need one chart to display several sets of data. You also need your user to be able to switch them dynamically, without reloading the page. However, the charts do not support this functionality out of the box. Fortunately it’s very easy to implement using some custom […]