Multi-segmented line graph

Some time ago, in order to have multi-segmented line chart (the one where line color or fill color changes at some point) you had to add several different graphs and this wasn't very straight forward task. However since v3 we added lineColorField, fillColorsField and dashLengthField properties to AmGraph and now you can do it very simply. All you need to do is add color or dash length value to your data provider at the point you want the line to change:

    "lineColor": "#b7e021",
    "date": "2012-01-01",
    "duration": 408

and then tell the graph the name of this field: graph.lineColorField = "lineColor";

That's it! Check line with changing color and duration on value axes (this one changes line from solid to dashed in the last segment of a graph) examples to see this in action.