Always exporting fully zoomed out map

Type tutorial

Exporting a chart or map to an image always produces a snapshot of a current view. This means if you zoom in your map and then export it to a PNG, you will get an image of its zoomed in state. This demo shows how you can use Export plugin’s beforeCapture and afterCapture handlers to temporarily zoom […]

Toggling export annotation mode

Type tutorial

This demo shows how you can programatically toggle Export plugin’s Annotation mode. The following code is used to go in and out of annotation mode: function toggleAnnotations() { if (chart[“export”].drawing.enabled) { chart[“export”].drawing.handler.done(); } else { chart[“export”].capture({ “action”: “draw” }, function() { var drawingMenu = chart[“export”][0].menu[2].menu; chart[“export”].createMenu(drawingMenu); }); } }

Adding charts and maps to a WIX website

Type tutorial

Intro & Prerequisites This tutorial is aimed to walk you through some easy steps to add charts and maps to your website. We assume that you already have fundamentals for amCharts products and are able to build a chart or map, either by coding it directly or using one of our online editing tools. […]

Stock Chart with Google Finance CSV API

Type tutorial

NOTE: this demo refers to Google Finance API service, which has been discontinued by Google. It may become unavailable at any point in the future. You are advised to take that into account before making decisions on your data sourcing. If you are looking for a reliable data source, amCharts recommends CloudQuote. [More info] If you […]

Using CSS to dynamically size map or chart height based on available width

Type tutorial

A map or a chart will always try to take up all of the area of its container. Which means that your container needs to be sized in order for the chart/map to even become visible. Block level elements, such as <div> automatically take up the whole available width. Unfortunately, that’s not the case with the […]

Using GANTT chart to display multi-segmented columns/bars

Type tutorial

This demo shows how we can simulate multi-segment columns using GANTT chart. This specific chart type is good because you can specify any number colored segments without the need to define graphs for each of them. Since GANTT chart is always horizontal by default, we also use the following trick to rotate it before it […]

Interactive “Wheel of Life” chart

Type tutorial

This demo shows how you can use external controls and Radar chart’s API to implement an interactive “Wheel of Life” chart. Each click on each question updates corresponding guide on the chart.

Migrating to amCharts Angular plugin 1.2

Type tutorial

With the release of amCharts Angular plugin 1.2 we’ve made some significant changes. If you were using this plugin before, make sure you read below and update your code accordingly, so that you can use the plugin in the most efficient way. We have retired the <amCharts> element in favor of AmChartsService. While we will continue supporting […]