Exporting charts and maps: Advanced usage

Type tutorial

Unsupported: IE9 and lower are not supported by the export plugin due browser incompatibilities! Exporting charts to single images or data files might be not enough, there are plenty of other use cases where the export needs to be triggered autonomously or embedded into a company report. In this article we will guide you through […]

Applying SVG filters on charts and maps

Type tutorial

Since 3.13.0 it is possible to define SVG-Filter natively through the chart setup, without touching the actual SVG or messing with the chart events. We have spend a while to think about a way how to provide you the best and easiest solution to define those SVG definitions – and guess what, the simple JavaScript […]

CSS animations

Type tutorial

Since we have added the possibility to add class names on our chart elements, you are able to animate the SVG elements with CSS. Define custom class names to point out specific data points or attract the users in general by animating the whole graph at all. This gives you more freedom, an interactive feeling and […]