Images above or behind the chart/map

Type tutorial

You can display image or any other HTML element both above and behind the chart or map. Take a look at this rusty stock chart example. As you see, the chart is transparent and background is visible. Setting background for a page or div using background-image style is the most easy way of having something […]

Your first Stock chart

Type tutorial

To begin, download and unzip stock chart package. If you’re seasoned web developer and feeling brave, you could simply go to samples/ folder and analyze html files found there. Otherwise stay on this tutorial. Setup working folder Create some folder for your project and copy amcharts folder from downloaded package into it. Then, start with a new […]

Creating charts using JSON

Type tutorial

Since v 3.2.0 all charts and maps can now be created using JSON object, instead of JavaScript API. This means you might store chart configuration in a simple JSON object and use it whenever you need. Here is a basic example of bar chart made from JSON object: AmCharts.makeChart( “chartdiv”, { “type”: “serial”, “dataProvider”: [ […]

Force-show balloon over specific point

Type tutorial

There might be a situation, when you need to show balloon over some data point without a mouse, but based on user interaction outside the chart. Pie/Funnel chart For pie chart, this is quite straight forward, it has rollOverSlice(index) method. So if you know the number of a slice, you simply call this method. In […]

Your first chart with amCharts

Type tutorial

UPDATE: Since the launch of our super-powerful LIVE EDITOR we recommend starting building the chart using it. No more coding, no mistypes. WYSIWYG charts are available now! Although we think that the most easy way of starting learning amCharts or any other similar library is study the examples (there are lots of them in samples […]