
Type property

Instead of specifying end date or end value in your data, you can specify duration of a segment.


Type property

Field in your data provider which holds end date of a segment. Dates in your data can be set by time stamp or Date object or string (chart.dataDateFormat should define date format in latter case).


Type property

Field in your data provider which holds end value of a segment. If your data is date-based, you should use endDateField instead, unless you specified chart.startDate and chart.period values. In this case you can use endField and set number of periods instead of providing exact end date.


Type property

Graph of a Gantt chart. Gant chart actually creates multiple graphs (separate for each segment). Properties of this graph are passed to each of the created graphs – this allows you to control the look of segments.


Type property

Initial date of value axis. If you set this date (you can do it using time stamp, Date object or date string), you can then set start/end/duration of segments using number of periods instead of providing exact dates.


Type property

Field in your data provider which holds start date of a segment. Dates in your data can be set by time stamp or Date object or string (chart.dataDateFormat should define date format in latter case).