amCharts 4 v4.0.16 released

While the world was finishing Holiday meals, we were hard at work improving amCharts 4. As a result, we’ve already published 3 releases in 2019 with 4.0.16 being the latest.

Here’s a combined change log for versions 4.0.14 through 4.0.16:


  • New setting zoomStep added to MapChart. Allows controlling zoom in/out speed.
  • color property added to LegendDataItem. Can be used for coloring label or valueLabel text like text = "[{color}] {name}".
  • minZoomCount added to Component.
  • Export now allows formatting numberic values as durations. Use newly added durationFields and durationFormat settings.
  • Export: When exporting date to XLSX, date fields will now export as true date fields in Excel (which in turn will format them according to regional settings), unless useLocal is set to false.


  • Export: When exporting date to XLSX, date fields will now export as true date fields in Excel (which in turn will format them according to regional settings), unless useLocal is set to false.
  • Renamed Swedish locale to sv_SE.


  • Series.hidden did not work as expected.
  • World map did not work in Ember.
  • Eliminated multiple warnings in recent version of Chrome regarding wheel events being active.
  • Fixed mousewheel zoom in IEs.
  • Draggable/resizable items were not working properly on some Android browsers.
  • Setting height to a relative value for a horizontal ColumnSeries column template was not working propertly.
  • Charts were not working properly in FireFox Extended Support Release.
  • Some computer setups were not properly registering mouse movement.
  • legendSettings was being ignored initially if legend was in external container.
  • “Week year” (format code "YYYY") was not being properly calculated.
  • Interactions on MacOS Safari was broken sincle last update.

The newest release is available through the usual channels.