DataViz Tip #10: Verify Your Data

“Unlike a misspelled word in a story, one wrong number discredits the whole chart.” ~ Dona M. Wong “The WSJ Guide to Information Graphics” Sometimes you discover a wild outlier in your data when you visualize it. In some cases, this may be a valuable insight, but more often than not it’s just a side-effect […]

“Information is Beautiful” is our data visualization book of the month and it can be yours!

Last month we gave away “The Wall Street Journal to Information Graphics,” and it’s on the way to Australia to Terry Fitzgerald from Shop A Docket. Congratulations! In December our data visualization book of the month is “Information is Beautiful” by David McCandless. Contrary to our previous pick, this book doesn’t contain any prescriptive techniques […]

DataViz Tip #9: Learn the Basics of Statistics

In the previous tips, we’ve discussed that transforming your data can often expose the information in a new light and provide new insights to the person analyzing your visualization. Aggregating atomic data points into aggregates for periods is a powerful tool in helping users make more sense of the data. But the way you aggregate […]

DataViz Tip #8: Do Not Expose Your Private Data

If you are used to creating charts in Excel, server-side libraries or other desktop software that produces static images, you may be comfortable with taking your private (often confidential) data and creating visualizations straight from it. After all, you control that end-users only see percentages or other aggregate values. On the other hand, when your […]