DataViz Tip #2: Remember the Color-Blind

Unfortunately, accessibility is often an afterthought in many projects. It shouldn’t be this way, and we can all contribute. Today we will talk about one aspect of it – color blindness. While ignoring color blind audiences could be just an annoyance for them when talking about general graphic elements, it presents a much deeper issue […]

DataViz Tip #1: Sort your bar charts by value

Every week we will post a data visualization tip to help you create better visualizations and provide a way to take advantage of the concept using amCharts (where applicable). Subscribe to our newsletter to get notified about new tips and more. Your data may come in some order or no particular order at all. Whenever […]

Introducing clearer licensing terms for all purchases after 2017 January 1st

Based on feedback from our commercial users, we have incorporated some minor changes to our commercial licensing terms. The changes take effect immediately and will be applicable to all purchases made on or after January 1st, 2017. The changes have been designed to both make licenses more transparent and clear, as well as loosen some […]