Interactive Maps with Clustered Points/Markers

What’s this? Maps can look messy with too many markers, affecting user experience and usability. To tackle this, amCharts 5: Maps – starting with version 5.5.6 – introduces a ClusteredPointSeries. This feature neatly groups closely packed markers into a single “group” marker, simplifying the interface. It also handles clustering and unclustering automatically when zooming in […]

Albers USA Projection is Here

The support for highly requested Albers USA Projection is now included in amCharts. Albers USA projection enables regular maps of United States to be depicted in their most common form – with states of Alaska and Hawaii placed right below the mainland USA. Check out this article on how to enable Albers USA projection and […]

A Massive Maps Upgrade in amCharts 4.3

The just-released amCharts 4.3 includes a slew of exciting updates to maps functionality. From new projections to the additional rotation and panning features and more, the new release delivers a bunch of exciting goodies for those investing in map charts. You can start using all of these features right away. Or check the updated Anatomy […]

DataViz Tip #17: Opt For Low Detail Map Charts

Occasionally, I use Microsoft’s Power BI to analyze various business data. While I love the tool in general, the map chart part of it frustrates me, to say the least. The problem is that it is using Bing maps as the basis for the map charts which results in charts like this: Not only does […]

DataViz Tip #15: How To Choose A Map Projection

The earth is not flat, unlike what some people may think. The maps, on the other hand, are flat. In most cases what you are looking at is a view of the globe that someone created based on some algorithm. These algorithms are called projections and, as it’s impossible to convert a globe to a […]

DataViz Tip #2: Remember the Color-Blind

Unfortunately, accessibility is often an afterthought in many projects. It shouldn’t be this way, and we can all contribute. Today we will talk about one aspect of it – color blindness. While ignoring color blind audiences could be just an annoyance for them when talking about general graphic elements, it presents a much deeper issue […]