DataViz Tip #8: Do Not Expose Your Private Data

If you are used to creating charts in Excel, server-side libraries or other desktop software that produces static images, you may be comfortable with taking your private (often confidential) data and creating visualizations straight from it. After all, you control that end-users only see percentages or other aggregate values. On the other hand, when your […]

DataViz Tip #7: Tools to Transform Data

Last week we have shown that transforming our data can help us create different and, likely, better visualizations. Let’s cover some tools that can help us in the process… Pivot Tables Pivot Tables is a great feature that lets you slice and dice the data you have in your spreadsheet. In Microsoft’s own words: PivotTables […]

DataViz Tip #6: Transform and “Massage” Your Data

The data you store and get back is often the most granular – that’s always great to have but not necessarily the best data to expose to users and comprehend. Suppose you have data for daily site visitors, page views and sales. You can expose all of this data as is in 3 line graphs […]

DataViz Tip #5: Sketch and Prototype Your Charts Before Coding

After seeing beautiful amCharts demos, you may have an urge to drop straight into your code editor and start coding. While sometimes you know precisely what chart represents your data best, other times it may not be as obvious. While developing a visualization with amCharts is easy, it is still more work than doing a quick […]

DataViz Tip #4: What Would Viewers Tweet About Your Chart?

An excellent way to start thinking about your visualization is to ask yourself “what would I want my viewers to tweet about this chart?” Consider this chart of visits to a fictional website: What would someone tweet after looking at this chart? Maybe something like “Most visits to the website come from the USA, followed […]

We Are Giving Away Data Visualization Books!

We are starting a new monthly newsletter with data visualization tips, tricks, and other useful information. Subscribe here to get on the list for a no-nonsense high-value content delivered to your inbox monthly. In addition to sending data visualization content to your email inbox, we will be sending a physical data visualization book to one […]

DataViz Tip #3: Start Your Column/Bar Charts at Zero

Consider the following chart which represents monthly visits to a fictional website. Based on your first quick impression, how many more visits did the site get in April compared to February? I’d say about 50 times more. Now, look at the values on the axis. As you can see the correct answer is less than […]

DataViz Tip #2: Remember the Color-Blind

Unfortunately, accessibility is often an afterthought in many projects. It shouldn’t be this way, and we can all contribute. Today we will talk about one aspect of it – color blindness. While ignoring color blind audiences could be just an annoyance for them when talking about general graphic elements, it presents a much deeper issue […]

DataViz Tip #1: Sort your bar charts by value

Every week we will post a data visualization tip to help you create better visualizations and provide a way to take advantage of the concept using amCharts (where applicable). Subscribe to our newsletter to get notified about new tips and more. Your data may come in some order or no particular order at all. Whenever […]

Introducing clearer licensing terms for all purchases after 2017 January 1st

Based on feedback from our commercial users, we have incorporated some minor changes to our commercial licensing terms. The changes take effect immediately and will be applicable to all purchases made on or after January 1st, 2017. The changes have been designed to both make licenses more transparent and clear, as well as loosen some […]