
Type module


Items from Array can be imported/included and used via following ways.

 * --------------------------------------------------------
 * Import via main package: core.ts
 * Access items like: am4core.array.myVariable
 *                    am4core.array.myFunction()
 * --------------------------------------------------------
import * as am4core from "@amcharts/amcharts4";

 * --------------------------------------------------------
 * Import via: Array.ts
 * Access items like: $array.myVariable
 *                    $array.myFunction()
 * --------------------------------------------------------
import * as $array from "@amcharts/amcharts4/Array";

 * --------------------------------------------------------
 * Include via "core.js"
 * Access items like: am4core.array.myVariable
 *                    am4core.array.myFunction()
 * --------------------------------------------------------


Array does not have any variables.



array: ArrayLike < A > ,
test: ( value: A) => boolean



Returns boolean

Calls test for each element in array.

If test returns true then it immediately returns true.

If test returns false for all of the elements in array then it returns false.


array: ArrayLike < A > ,
fn: ( value: A, index: number) => void



Returns void

Iterates through all items in array in reverse order and calls fn function for each of them.


array: Array < A >



Returns Optional < A >

Returns the first item of the array.


array: ArrayLike < A > ,
element: A



Returns boolean

Returns true if element exists in array.


array: ArrayLike < A > ,
value: A



Returns number

Searches array for value.

Returns -1 if not found.


array: Array < A > ,
element: A,
index: number



Returns void

Inserts element into array at index.

Caps index to be between 0 and array.length


array: Array < A > ,
index: number,
value: A



Returns void

Inserts a value into array at specific index.


array: Array < A > ,
keep: ( value: A) => boolean



Returns void


array: Array < A >



Returns Optional < A >

Returns the last item of the array.


array: Array < A > ,
element: A,
toIndex?: number



Returns void

Adds an element to array.

If array already contains and item like this, it is removed before adding it again.

Optionally toIndex can be specified to add element at specific index.


array: Array < A > ,
input: Array < A >



Returns void

Pushes all of the elements from input into array.


array: Array < A > ,
element: A



Returns boolean

Removes element from array.

If there are multiple copies of element, they are all removed.


array: Array < A > ,
index: number



Returns void

Removes a value from array at specific index.


array: Array < A > ,
element: A,
index?: number



Returns void

Removes element from array (if it exists) and then inserts element at index.

If index is not provided, it will insert element at the end of array.


array: Array < A > ,
element: A,
index: number



Returns void

Removes all copies of element from array (if they exist) and then inserts element at index.


array: Array < A > ,
index: number



Returns void

Shifts an item at index towards beginning of the array.


array: Array < A >



Returns void

Iterates through all items in array and calls fn function for each of them.


array: ArrayLike < A > ,
start: number,
end: number



Returns Array < A >

Returns a copy of array which contains all the elements between start and end. (including start and excluding end)If end is not provided, it defaults to array.length.