Type demo
This demo will show how you can add additional worksheets to the data being exported to XLSX format. For more information on how to modify Excel workbook being exported, please refer to the SheetJS docs.
Type tutorial
Normally, XYCursor, if added to a chart will try to show a tooltip for each series for the hovered date or category. This does not work for charts that have both X and Y axes as ValueAxis. This tutorial will show how we can fix that. The problem Say, we have an XYChart with three […]
Type demo
This demo shows how width of the vertical axes can be synchronized across multiple separate charts.
Type demo
This demo shows how we can use events to apply custom order to legend items.
Type demo
This demo shows how we can place a CategoryAxis between two stacked ValueAxis.
Type demo
This demo shows how we can create a separate Series with label bullets to show stack total right to a CategoryAxis label.
Type demo
This demo shows how we can separate non-clustered columns into separate non-overlapping groups, using their “data item locations”.
Type demo
This demo shows how we can dynamically affix a ForceDirectedNode which was dragged by a user so that it stays permanently in the same place, by dynamically making it a “fixed node”.
Type demo
This demo shows how we can toggle ForceDirectedNode on and off using API functions hide() and show() on node’s data item.
Type tutorial
This tutorial will show how we can fix a problem where hovered MapPolygon has part of its outline (stroke) hidden behind the adjacent polygons. The problem Let’s say we have a “hover” state on our polygons to apply thicker outline (stroke) on a map polygon when it’s hovered. E.g.: The code above ensures that when […]