Type demo
This demo shows how default colors of the links in NavigationBar on a TreeMap chart. chart.navigationBar = new am4charts.NavigationBar(); chart.navigationBar.links.template.fill = am4core.color(“#691E06”); chart.navigationBar.activeLink.fill = am4core.color(“#8F250C”); chart.navigationBar = new am4charts.NavigationBar(); chart.navigationBar.links.template.fill = am4core.color(“#691E06”); chart.navigationBar.activeLink.fill = am4core.color(“#8F250C”); { // … “navigationBar”: { “links”: { “fill”: “#691E06” }, “activeLink”: { “fill”: “#8F250C” } } }
Type tutorial
Any element on a chart can have tooltipText set to display in form of a tooltip when hovered or touched. This tutorial will show how you can turn those tooltips into “sticky”, so they are always shown, without requiring to hover/touch the element. Requirements The functionality was introduced in version 4.5.4, so if you happen […]
Type tutorial
Normally, a Tooltip that is displayed when you hover or touch a series’ item – slice, column, etc. – is colored the same way as the related object. This quick tutorial will show you how to override that color. To turn off “inheritance” of color from related object, we can set getFillFromObject = falseĀ for the […]