Type tutorial
This tutorial will show how you can use Range Selector plugin (available since version 4.9.25) to create HTML-based controls for alternative zooming methods of Axes. NOTE Range Selector is a plugin. For information about using plugins, refer to this article. Using the plugin Including the module Before you can use this plugin you need to […]
Type tutorial
This tutorial will show how you can use OverlapBuster plugin (available since version 4.6.2) to make overlapping items such as bullets, map markers, or just about any other element “explode” to sides when hovered, for easy access to them NOTE OverlapBuster is a plugin. For information about using plugins, refer to this article. Disclaimer Please […]
Type tutorial
“Bullets” is a collection of configurable shapes (stars, pins, flags, etc.) that you can use as chart bullets, map markers, and anywhere else. Availability Bullets plugin is available since amCharts 4 version 4.5.7. Including the module Before you can use this plugin you need to make sure you include it. If you are using it […]
Type tutorial
This tutorial will show how you can use Annotation plugin (available since 4.5.5) to, well annotate the charts using some basic UI and tools. NOTE Annotation is a plugin. For information about using plugins, refer to this article. Using the plugin Including the module Before you can use this plugin you need to make sure […]
Type tutorial
This tutorial will show how you can use SliceGrouper plugin (available since version 4.3.11) to automatically group small slices on Pie, Funnel, Pyramid, or Pictorial Stacked series into a single expandable “Other” slice. NOTE SliceGrouper is a plugin. For information about using plugins, refer to this article. Purpose “Percent” charts such as Pie, Funnel, Pyramid, […]
Type tutorial
This tutorial will explain how you can use Regression plugin (available since version 4.2.2) to display automatically-calculated regression trend lines. NOTE Regression is a plugin. For information about using plugins, refer to this article. Purpose Trend lines, as their name suggests, help identify generic trends among seemingly randomly dispersed values. Take this chart for example: […]