A simple Histogram chart

Type demo

This demo shows how we can take an array of plain values, and build a Histogram chart – a distribution of values as a column series.

Labels on top of the ForceDirectedNode

Type demo

This demo shows how we can put labels of the ForceDirectedTree node on top. Since labels are sized to exact dimensions of the node, you can use their verticalCenter or horizontalCenter to place them outside node. For example, the following code will place labels above the node:

Constant stroke dash size when zooming MapChart

Type demo

We can use setting strokeDasharray to make lines on a MapChart dashed. However, zooming in will also make dashes grow in size. This demo shows how we can add adapter which would maintain the same dash length across zooms.

Gaussian curve with XYChart

Type demo

This demo shows how we can calculate a gaussian curve data to draw using LineSeries out of source data.