
Type interface

Defines options for CSV format parser


ICSVOptions extends IDataParserOptions.

ICSVOptions is not extended by any other symbol.



Type string[]

A list of fields that hold date/time infromation.

Parser will try to convert such fields into Date objects.


Type string

Inherited from IDataParserOptions

Override date format set in dateFormatter.

Click here Tutorial on date parsing


Type DateFormatter

A date formatted to be used when parsing dates.


Type string

Default ',

A delimiter character for columns.


Type any

Inherited from IDataParserOptions

Empty values (e.g. empty strings, null, etc.) will be replaced with this.


Type string[]

A list of fields that should be treaded as numeric.

Any information container in such fields will be converted to number.


Type boolean

Default false

The data is in reverse order.

If iset to true, parser will invert the order of the data items before passing back the data.


Type boolean

Default true

Skip empty rows.

If set to false, parser will generate empty data points for empty rows in data.


Type number

Default 0

Skip a number of rows from the beginning of the data.

Useful if your data contains non-data headers, such as column names or empty rows.


Type boolean

Default false

Use the first row in data to generte column names.

Normally, parser will name each column col0, col1, etc.

Setting this to true will make the parser look at the first row, for actual column names.

Please note that if you use it with skipRows, the specified number of rows will be removed, then the parser will look for column names in the first row of what's left.

There are 2 inherited items currently hidden from this list.