
Type interface

Represents options for PDF export.


IExportPDFOptions extends IExportImageOptions.

IExportPDFOptions is not extended by any other symbol.



Type boolean

Default true

Add column names in first row?

Export will try to use user-friendly column names where possible, either from Export's dataFields or deduced from chart's series' names that are bound to specific data fields.

@since 4.7.0


Type boolean

Default false

Should data table be included together with the image?

Use "pdfdata" options to configure table output.

@since 4.7.0


Type boolean

Default true

Whether to add a URL of the web page the chart has been exported from.


Type Align

Default left

Alignment of the chart image in PDF.

Supported options: "left" (default), "center", "right".

@since 4.9.14


Type boolean

Set this option to disabled for a format to not show up in ExportMenu.

@since 4.9.11


Type any

Default "" (empty string)

Replace missing values with this.

@since 4.7.0


Type Array < IFont >

Additional optional fonts which can be used on individual elements.

@since 4.9.19
Click here


Type IFont

Font which should be used for the export.

Default font used for PDF includes only Latin-based and Cyrilic characters. If you are exporting text in other languages, you might need to use some other export font.

@since 4.9.19
Click here


Type number

Font size to use for all texts.


Type imageFormats

An image format to use for embedded images in PDF.

See imageFormats in Export_module.


Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from IExportImageOptions

Normally, Export removes "tainted" images (images that are loaded from other host than the chart itself) before export.

Set this to true to disable it.

Please note that removal of tainted images might trigger cross-origin security restrictions in browser and prevent the whole export operation, so use with caution.


Type number

Maximum height in pixels of the exported image. If source chart is bigger thank this, it will be scaled down.

NOTE: this setting might be overidden by minHeight.

@since 4.10.13


Type number

Maximum width in pixels of the exported image. If source chart is bigger thank this, it will be scaled down.

NOTE: this setting might be overidden by minWidth.

@since 4.10.13


Type number

Minimum height in pixels of the exported image. If source chart is smaller thank this, it will be scaled up.

@since 4.10.13


Type number

Minimum width in pixels of the exported image. If source chart is smaller thank this, it will be scaled up.

@since 4.10.13


Type number | number[]

Page margins.

Can be one of the following:

A single number, in which case it will act as margin setting for all four edges of the page.

An array of two numbers [ horizontal, vertical ].

An array of four numbers [ left, top, right, bottom ].


Type "landscape" | "portrait"

Page orientation.


Type pageSizes

Page size of the exported PDF.


Type boolean

Default false

If set to true will export data as pivoted (column names in first column;

values in rows).

@since 4.7.0


Type number

Inherited from IExportImageOptions

Quality of the exported image. (0-1)


Type number

Default 1

Rescale image.

Number less than 1 will shrink the image.

Number bigger than 1 will scale up the image.

@since 4.10.13


Type boolean

Default true

Will try to format numbers and date/time according to user's locale settings.

@since 4.7.0


Type boolean

Default false

Use timestamps instead of formatted date/time values.

@since 4.7.0

There are 2 inherited items currently hidden from this list.