Type interface
Defines properties for FlowDiagram
IFlowDiagramProperties extends IChartProperties
IFlowDiagramProperties is extended by IFlowDiagramAdapters
, IChordDiagramProperties
, ISankeyDiagramProperties
align # |
Type Inherited from |
alwaysShowTooltip # |
Type Inherited from |
clickable # |
Type Inherited from |
contentAlign # |
Type Inherited from Horizontal alignment of Container's items. |
contextMenuDisabled # |
Type Inherited from |
disabled # |
Type Inherited from |
draggable # |
Type Inherited from |
dx # |
Type Inherited from |
dy # |
Type Inherited from |
fill # |
Type Inherited from |
fillModifier # |
Type Inherited from |
fillOpacity # |
Type Inherited from |
fixedWidthGrid # |
Type Default Inherited from If set to |
focusable # |
Type Inherited from |
fontFamily # |
Type Inherited from Font family for the text. |
fontSize # |
Type Inherited from Font size for the text. |
fontWeight # |
Type Default Inherited from Default font weight. |
height # |
Type Inherited from |
Type Inherited from |
horizontalCenter # |
Type Inherited from |
hoverOnFocus # |
Type Inherited from |
hoverable # |
Type Inherited from |
id # |
Type Inherited from |
inert # |
Type Inherited from |
interactionsEnabled # |
Type Inherited from |
isActive # |
Type Inherited from |
isHover # |
Type Inherited from |
layout # |
Type Default Inherited from Container layout. Options: "absolute" (default), "vertical", "horizontal", or "grid". |
marginBottom # |
Type Inherited from |
marginLeft # |
Type Inherited from |
marginRight # |
Type Inherited from |
marginTop # |
Type Inherited from |
maxColumns # |
Type Inherited from Maximum number of columns (when using |
maxHeight # |
Type Inherited from |
maxWidth # |
Type Inherited from |
maxX # |
Type Inherited from |
maxY # |
Type Inherited from |
maxZoomCount # |
Type Default Inherited from Use this for Limits how many categories or base intervals can be shown at the same time. If there are more items in the chart, the chart will auto-zoom. |
maxZoomFactor # |
Type Inherited from Maximum zoom factor of a component. |
minHeight # |
Type Inherited from |
minNodeSize # |
Type Sometimes nodes can get very small if their value is little. With this setting you can set min size of a node (this is relative value from the total size of all nodes) |
minWidth # |
Type Inherited from |
minX # |
Type Inherited from |
minY # |
Type Inherited from |
minZoomCount # |
Type Default Inherited from Use this for Allows restricting zoom in beyond certain number of categories or base intervals. The chart will not zoom in beyond this number of items. |
nodePadding # |
Type Padding for node square in pixels. |
nonScaling # |
Type Inherited from |
nonScalingStroke # |
Type Inherited from |
opacity # |
Type Inherited from |
paddingBottom # |
Type Inherited from |
paddingLeft # |
Type Inherited from |
paddingRight # |
Type Inherited from |
paddingTop # |
Type Inherited from |
path # |
Type Inherited from |
pixelPerfect # |
Type Inherited from |
readerChecked # |
Type Inherited from |
readerControls # |
Type Inherited from |
readerDescribedBy # |
Type Inherited from |
readerDescription # |
Type Inherited from |
readerHidden # |
Type Inherited from |
readerLabelledBy # |
Type Inherited from |
readerLive # |
Type Inherited from |
readerOrientation # |
Type Inherited from |
readerTitle # |
Type Inherited from |
readerValueNow # |
Type Inherited from |
readerValueText # |
Type Inherited from |
resizable # |
Type Inherited from |
reverseOrder # |
Type Default Inherited from If set to |
role # |
Type Inherited from |
rotation # |
Type Inherited from |
scale # |
Type Inherited from |
setStateOnChildren # |
Type Default Inherited from Specifies if, when state is applied on this container, the same state should be applied to container's children as well as |
shapeRendering # |
Type Inherited from |
showOnInit # |
Type Inherited from |
showTooltipOn # |
Type Inherited from |
sortBy # |
Type Sort nodes by name or value or do not sort a |
stroke # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeDasharray # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeDashoffset # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeLinecap # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeLinejoin # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeModifier # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeOpacity # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeWidth # |
Type Inherited from |
swipeable # |
Type Inherited from |
tabindex # |
Type Inherited from |
textDecoration # |
Type Default Inherited from Default font decoration. |
togglable # |
Type Inherited from |
tooltipHTML # |
Type Inherited from |
tooltipPosition # |
Type Inherited from |
tooltipText # |
Type Inherited from |
tooltipX # |
Type Inherited from |
tooltipY # |
Type Inherited from |
trackable # |
Type Inherited from |
url # |
Type Inherited from |
urlTarget # |
Type Inherited from |
userClassName # |
Type Inherited from |
valign # |
Type Inherited from |
verticalCenter # |
Type Inherited from |
visible # |
Type Inherited from |
wheelable # |
Type Inherited from |
width # |
Type Inherited from |
x # |
Type Inherited from |
y # |
Type Inherited from |
zIndex # |
Type Inherited from |
There are 102 inherited items currently hidden from this list. |