Type interface
Defines properties for MapArc
IMapArcProperties extends IMapLineProperties
IMapArcProperties is extended by IMapArcAdapters
align # |
Type Inherited from |
alwaysShowTooltip # |
Type Inherited from |
clickable # |
Type Inherited from |
contentAlign # |
Type Inherited from Horizontal alignment of Container's items. |
contextMenuDisabled # |
Type Inherited from |
disabled # |
Type Inherited from |
draggable # |
Type Inherited from |
dx # |
Type Inherited from |
dy # |
Type Inherited from |
fill # |
Type Inherited from |
fillModifier # |
Type Inherited from |
fillOpacity # |
Type Inherited from |
fixedWidthGrid # |
Type Default Inherited from If set to |
focusable # |
Type Inherited from |
fontFamily # |
Type Inherited from Font family for the text. |
fontSize # |
Type Inherited from Font size for the text. |
fontWeight # |
Type Default Inherited from Default font weight. |
height # |
Type Inherited from |
Type Inherited from |
horizontalCenter # |
Type Inherited from |
hoverOnFocus # |
Type Inherited from |
hoverable # |
Type Inherited from |
id # |
Type Inherited from |
imagesToConnect # |
Type Inherited from Instead of setting longitudes/latitudes you can set an array of images which will be connected by the line |
inert # |
Type Inherited from |
interactionsEnabled # |
Type Inherited from |
isActive # |
Type Inherited from |
isHover # |
Type Inherited from |
layout # |
Type Default Inherited from Container layout. Options: "absolute" (default), "vertical", "horizontal", or "grid". |
marginBottom # |
Type Inherited from |
marginLeft # |
Type Inherited from |
marginRight # |
Type Inherited from |
marginTop # |
Type Inherited from |
maxColumns # |
Type Inherited from Maximum number of columns (when using |
maxHeight # |
Type Inherited from |
maxWidth # |
Type Inherited from |
maxX # |
Type Inherited from |
maxY # |
Type Inherited from |
minHeight # |
Type Inherited from |
minWidth # |
Type Inherited from |
minX # |
Type Inherited from |
minY # |
Type Inherited from |
multiGeoLine # |
Type Inherited from Lat/long coordinates of all line ends and intermediate elbows. |
multiLine # |
Type Inherited from Lat/long coordinates of all line ends and intermediate elbows. |
nonScaling # |
Type Inherited from |
nonScalingStroke # |
Type Inherited from |
opacity # |
Type Inherited from |
paddingBottom # |
Type Inherited from |
paddingLeft # |
Type Inherited from |
paddingRight # |
Type Inherited from |
paddingTop # |
Type Inherited from |
path # |
Type Inherited from |
pixelPerfect # |
Type Inherited from |
precision # |
Type Default Inherited from When line is plotted, if its If the distance (in degrees) between line start and end points is less than Set to large number (e.g. 10000) for perfectly straight line. @since 4.9.1 |
readerChecked # |
Type Inherited from |
readerControls # |
Type Inherited from |
readerDescribedBy # |
Type Inherited from |
readerDescription # |
Type Inherited from |
readerHidden # |
Type Inherited from |
readerLabelledBy # |
Type Inherited from |
readerLive # |
Type Inherited from |
readerOrientation # |
Type Inherited from |
readerTitle # |
Type Inherited from |
readerValueNow # |
Type Inherited from |
readerValueText # |
Type Inherited from |
resizable # |
Type Inherited from |
reverseOrder # |
Type Default Inherited from If set to |
role # |
Type Inherited from |
rotation # |
Type Inherited from |
scale # |
Type Inherited from |
setStateOnChildren # |
Type Default Inherited from Specifies if, when state is applied on this container, the same state should be applied to container's children as well as |
shapeRendering # |
Type Inherited from |
shortestDistance # |
Type Inherited from If |
showOnInit # |
Type Inherited from |
showTooltipOn # |
Type Inherited from |
stroke # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeDasharray # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeDashoffset # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeLinecap # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeLinejoin # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeModifier # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeOpacity # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeWidth # |
Type Inherited from |
swipeable # |
Type Inherited from |
tabindex # |
Type Inherited from |
textDecoration # |
Type Default Inherited from Default font decoration. |
togglable # |
Type Inherited from |
tooltipHTML # |
Type Inherited from |
tooltipPosition # |
Type Inherited from |
tooltipText # |
Type Inherited from |
tooltipX # |
Type Inherited from |
tooltipY # |
Type Inherited from |
trackable # |
Type Inherited from |
url # |
Type Inherited from |
urlTarget # |
Type Inherited from |
userClassName # |
Type Inherited from |
valign # |
Type Inherited from |
verticalCenter # |
Type Inherited from |
visible # |
Type Inherited from |
wheelable # |
Type Inherited from |
width # |
Type Inherited from |
x # |
Type Inherited from |
y # |
Type Inherited from |
zIndex # |
Type Inherited from |
zoomGeoPoint # |
Type Inherited from A custom point to use when |
zoomLevel # |
Type Inherited from A custom zoom level to use when |
There are 106 inherited items currently hidden from this list. |