Type interface
Defines properties for XYCursor
IXYCursorProperties extends ICursorProperties
IXYCursorProperties is extended by IXYCursorAdapters
, IRadarCursorProperties
, ICurveCursorProperties
align # |
Type Inherited from |
alwaysShowTooltip # |
Type Inherited from |
behavior # |
Type Default Cursor's behavior when moved with pointer down:
clickable # |
Type Inherited from |
contentAlign # |
Type Inherited from Horizontal alignment of Container's items. |
contextMenuDisabled # |
Type Inherited from |
disabled # |
Type Inherited from |
draggable # |
Type Inherited from |
dx # |
Type Inherited from |
dy # |
Type Inherited from |
fill # |
Type Inherited from |
fillModifier # |
Type Inherited from |
fillOpacity # |
Type Inherited from |
fixedWidthGrid # |
Type Default Inherited from If set to |
focusable # |
Type Inherited from |
fontFamily # |
Type Inherited from Font family for the text. |
fontSize # |
Type Inherited from Font size for the text. |
fontWeight # |
Type Default Inherited from Default font weight. |
fullWidthLineX # |
Type Cursor's horizontal line is expanded to take full width of the related Axis' cell/category. |
fullWidthLineY # |
Type Cursor's vertical line is expanded to take full width of the related Axis' cell/category. |
height # |
Type Inherited from |
Type Inherited from |
hideSeriesTooltipsOnSelection # |
Type If set to @since 4.5.15 |
horizontalCenter # |
Type Inherited from |
hoverOnFocus # |
Type Inherited from |
hoverable # |
Type Inherited from |
id # |
Type Inherited from |
inert # |
Type Inherited from |
interactionsEnabled # |
Type Inherited from |
isActive # |
Type Inherited from |
isHover # |
Type Inherited from |
layout # |
Type Default Inherited from Container layout. Options: "absolute" (default), "vertical", "horizontal", or "grid". |
marginBottom # |
Type Inherited from |
marginLeft # |
Type Inherited from |
marginRight # |
Type Inherited from |
marginTop # |
Type Inherited from |
maxColumns # |
Type Inherited from Maximum number of columns (when using |
maxHeight # |
Type Inherited from |
maxPanOut # |
Type If cursor behavior is panX or panY, we allow to pan plot out of it's max bounds for a better user experience. This setting specifies relative value by how much we can pan out the plot |
maxTooltipDistance # |
Type If set to a numeric value, cursor will display closest series' tooltips plus tooltips from series that are closer to than Set it to @since 4.7.18 |
maxWidth # |
Type Inherited from |
maxX # |
Type Inherited from |
maxY # |
Type Inherited from |
minHeight # |
Type Inherited from |
minWidth # |
Type Inherited from |
minX # |
Type Inherited from |
minY # |
Type Inherited from |
nonScaling # |
Type Inherited from |
nonScalingStroke # |
Type Inherited from |
opacity # |
Type Inherited from |
paddingBottom # |
Type Inherited from |
paddingLeft # |
Type Inherited from |
paddingRight # |
Type Inherited from |
paddingTop # |
Type Inherited from |
path # |
Type Inherited from |
pixelPerfect # |
Type Inherited from |
readerChecked # |
Type Inherited from |
readerControls # |
Type Inherited from |
readerDescribedBy # |
Type Inherited from |
readerDescription # |
Type Inherited from |
readerHidden # |
Type Inherited from |
readerLabelledBy # |
Type Inherited from |
readerLive # |
Type Inherited from |
readerOrientation # |
Type Inherited from |
readerTitle # |
Type Inherited from |
readerValueNow # |
Type Inherited from |
readerValueText # |
Type Inherited from |
resizable # |
Type Inherited from |
reverseOrder # |
Type Default Inherited from If set to |
role # |
Type Inherited from |
rotation # |
Type Inherited from |
scale # |
Type Inherited from |
setStateOnChildren # |
Type Default Inherited from Specifies if, when state is applied on this container, the same state should be applied to container's children as well as |
shapeRendering # |
Type Inherited from |
showOnInit # |
Type Inherited from |
showTooltipOn # |
Type Inherited from |
snapOnPan # |
Type Default Should zoom selection "snap" into equal categories/intervals after panning the chart? (when @since 4.10.17 |
snapToSeries # |
Specifies to which series cursor lines should be snapped. Can be a single series instance or an array of series. |
stroke # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeDasharray # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeDashoffset # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeLinecap # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeLinejoin # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeModifier # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeOpacity # |
Type Inherited from |
strokeWidth # |
Type Inherited from |
swipeable # |
Type Inherited from |
tabindex # |
Type Inherited from |
textDecoration # |
Type Default Inherited from Default font decoration. |
togglable # |
Type Inherited from |
tooltipHTML # |
Type Inherited from |
tooltipPosition # |
Type Inherited from |
tooltipText # |
Type Inherited from |
tooltipX # |
Type Inherited from |
tooltipY # |
Type Inherited from |
trackable # |
Type Inherited from |
url # |
Type Inherited from |
urlTarget # |
Type Inherited from |
userClassName # |
Type Inherited from |
valign # |
Type Inherited from |
verticalCenter # |
Type Inherited from |
visible # |
Type Inherited from |
wheelable # |
Type Inherited from |
width # |
Type Inherited from |
x # |
Type Inherited from |
y # |
Type Inherited from |
zIndex # |
Type Inherited from |
There are 99 inherited items currently hidden from this list. |