amCharts 4 comes with some external libraries that are not needed for core operation, but might be dynamically loaded for some niche operation, like exporting a chart to PDF.
Normally Vue.js would bundle those files into your app, inflating its size.
As a quick workaround you can tap into the Vue CLI generated webpack config and tell it not to prefetch these files.
To do that, create a vue.config.js
file in the root of your project and add this to it:
// vue.config.js module.exports = { chainWebpack: config => { config .plugin('prefetch') .tap(args => { return [ { rel: 'prefetch', include: 'asyncChunks', fileBlacklist: [ /\.map$/, /pdfmake\.[^.]+\.js$/, /xlsx\.[^.]+\.js$/, /fabric[^.]*\.[^.]+\.js$/, /responsivedefaults\.[^.]+\.js$/, ] } ] }) } }
The files will still be generated to the output directory, but they will not be loaded.