Type tutorial
Normally, a Tooltip that is displayed when you hover or touch a series’ item – slice, column, etc. – is colored the same way as the related object. This quick tutorial will show you how to override that color. To turn off “inheritance” of color from related object, we can set getFillFromObject = false for the […]
Type tutorial
While mouse wheel zooming on maps is a handy intuitive interaction, it may in some cases be frustrating when it interferes with the scrolling of the web page. This tutorial will show how to disable mouse wheel zooming on the Map chart. The interaction events on Map chart are mostly set on the chart’s chartContainer. […]
Type tutorial
The Map will always start off fully zoomed out and centered. However, in some cases, you might want to start the map pre-zoomed to some place. This tutorial aims to explain how to do just that. The task We want a world map. However, we want it to start pre-zoomed to Europe. Finding zoom level […]
Type tutorial
This short tutorial will show how you can create a Globe out of your map using Orthographic projection. Setting projection As you may already know, each map can be displayed in a number of ways – projections. (more about it here) Each one has it’s own advantages and disadvantages. However, only one can be used […]
Type tutorial
This tutorial will show how you can highlight all of the polygons in the same series, when just one of those is hovered. Prerequisites States and events The solution explained in this tutorial relies heavily on two amCharts 4 concepts: States and Event listeners. Make sure you’re familiar with both of the those (linked above). […]
Type tutorial
This tutorial will show how you can set up your map to automatically zoom to an area (i.e. country) when user clicks on or taps it. As you may be already aware if you got to this point, each area on the chart is configured using MapPolygonSeries template. This task is no different – we’ll be […]
Type tutorial
All Map Charts, unless disabled, can be panned and zoomed. This tutorial will explain how to reset map’s position and zoom to its original state via custom button or API. Resetting via API Easy way Map chart provides a dedicated goHome(duration) method. I wish it had a youredrunk parameter, but it only accepts a duration in milliseconds […]
Type tutorial
Normally, you can pan and zoom the Map Chart wit mouse and touch. This tutorial will explain how you can disable one or both of these actions. Disabling pan Panning (drag) events on a Map Chart are attached to a special container that holds all the series of the map. It’s accessible via chart’s seriesContainer property. […]
Type tutorial
The aim of this tutorial is to get you on the right track for creating your own maps in GeoJSON format, suitable for use with amCharts 4. GeoJSON, being an open standard has a lot of traction and support in mapping software community. Moving forward, we may incorporate more instructions here, so make sure you […]