Serpetine TimeLine with arrows

Type demo

This demo shows how we can add Triangle objects as bullets on a TimeLine chart, then use adapters to conditionally rotate them to create directional arrows.

Manipulating chart data

Type tutorial

Each chart type in amCharts family has a specific requirement for structure its data should come in. Mostly it comes in a form of an array of objects. However sometimes you don’t have control over format of source data. This tutorial will explore how we can pre-process data to reshape it into an amCharts-suitable form. […]

Country-specific world maps

Type tutorial

Some countries like India, China, and some other have local regulations regarding how their borders are drawn that differ from UN-mandated or actually controlled territories. This tutorial will explain how to use country-specific maps with MapChart. Available maps The following country-specific versions of World map are currently available: Country Map files (.ts; .js; .json) Map […]

Animating map lines with CSS

Type tutorial

Each line in a MapChart is an SVG object in document’s DOM tree. This means we can use CSS to target and modify it, including using CSS animations. This tutorial will show how we can make MapLine animate itself from the start. Prerequisites We’re going to assume that you know what MapLine is, how to […]

Multi-series shared tooltip with colored bullets

Type demo

This demo shows how we can use an adapter for series’ tooltipText property, in-line text formatting, and cursor’s maxTooltipDistance to build a single universal tooltip that displays values from all series, complete with colored bullets. For more information, make sure you visit related tutorials for mentioned functionality: Adapters In-line string formatting Limiting number of series […]

Custom external legend

Type demo

This demo shows how we can use some custom code executed on chart load to build completely custom but interactive HTML-based legend for our chart.

Show column tooltip on category hover

Type demo

This demo shows how we have use “over” and “out” events on axis labels as well as chart cursor’s triggerMove() method to trigger tooltips on columns of the hovered category label.

Simulating individual order of columns within categories

Type demo

This demo will show how you can simulate an order of columns from different ColumnSeries within each category. It uses the following things to achieve it: Each ColumnSeries has clustered = false set so that it always takes up the whole width of the “hidden” categories. Data is manipulated so that each category contains only […]

Display tooltip on PieChart slice click

Type demo

Normally, tooltips on PieChart slices are shown when they are hovered by a cursor. This demo will show how we can disable this default behavior and only show tooltip when slice is tapped or clicked.