The defining characteristic of each donut, including donut charts, is its hole. It's a space that can be used for good. This tutorial will show how we can easily add some labels inside it to display complementing information, such as sum of values for all the slices.
Adding a label
Most of the elements in amCharts 4 is a Container
, meaning it can contain other elements.
Chart itself is a container. Series is a container. Legend is a container.
To add a label all we need to do is to add a Label
For our specific purpose, we are going to add a Label
to series. We'll explain why in due course.
let label = pieSeries.createChild(am4core.Label);
label.text = "Hi there!";
label.horizontalCenter = "middle";
label.verticalCenter = "middle";
label.fontSize = 40;
var label = pieSeries.createChild(am4core.Label);
label.text = "Hi there!";
label.horizontalCenter = "middle";
label.verticalCenter = "middle";
label.fontSize = 40;
{ // ... "series": [{ // ... "children": [{ "type": "Label", "forceCreate": true, "text": "Hi there!", "horizontalCenter": "middle", "verticalCenter": "middle", "fontSize": 40 }] }] }
Notice how we're setting the horizontalCenter
and verticalCenter
of our label: we do want it to be placed perfectly aligned to the middle.

Binding to data
Displaying greetings is all good and fine. Now, let's see how we can display some real data.
That's where our decision to create label as a child to series comes into play: we can use data placeholders to access actual data from series.
In our case we can use {values.value.sum}
to access sum of slice values, held in series' data item:
label.text = "${values.value.sum}";
label.text = "${values.value.sum}";
{ // ... "series": [{ // ... "children": [{ "type": "Label", "forceCreate": true, "text": "${values.value.sum}", // ... }] }] }

MORE INFO For more on inserting data placeholders, as well as in-line formatting of string label, refer to "Formatting Strings" article.
Working example
See the Pen amCharts 4: Donut chart with sum in the middle by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.
P.S. there's a JSON version of the above chart.