Make AM/PM prompts lowercase or change them

Type tutorial

amCharts’ number formatter supports various version of the AM/PM indicators (AM/PM; A.M./P.M.; A/P) in date/time formats, however they are all in upper case. This short tutorial will show how you can make them lowercase, or change them altogether. Modifying locale Since AM/PM are translatable strings, they are represented in your current locale (or collection of […]

Formatting date/time and numbers using “Intl” object

Type tutorial

The Intl object is the namespace for the ECMAScript Internationalization API, which provides language sensitive string comparison, number formatting, and date and time formatting. This tutorial will show how you can use Intl options and locales for date/time and number formatting in place of string-based amCharts format definitions. Intro amCharts 4 uses DateFormatter and NumberFormatter objects to […]

Using map country name translations

Type tutorial

By default the maps bundled with amCharts 4 include names of countries in English. This tutorial will show how you can use bundled translation files to translate them into a multitude of other languages. Prerequisites The techniques described in this tutorial rely on features introduced in specific versions of amCharts 4 and Geodata packaged. Make […]

Creating Translations

Type tutorial

amCharts 4 relies on locale files for localization of the charts. Locales are responsible for both translations of prompts and setting date/number formats. This tutorial will explain how you can make changes to existing translations, and create the new ones. If you ended up here, you probably already know how locales are used. On the […]