Type interface
Defines available events available for Sprite
ISpriteEvents extends IInteractionObjectEvents
ISpriteEvents is extended by IPointedShapeEvents
, IPolylineEvents
, IRectangleEvents
, IContainerEvents
, IGridEvents
, ITickEvents
, IAxisFillEvents
, IAxisLineEvents
, IRoundedRectangleEvents
, ILineEvents
, ICircleEvents
, ITrapezoidEvents
, ITriangleEvents
, IPolygonEvents
, IImageEvents
, IStarEvents
, IForceDirectedLinkEvents
appeared # |
Param { type: Invoked when |
beforedisposed # |
Param { type: Invoked just before Sprite is disposed. |
beforevalidated # |
Param { type: Invoked before @todo Description (check) |
blur # |
Param { event: Inherited from Invoked when |
disabled # |
Param { type: Invoked when sprite is disabled |
doublehit # |
Param Invoked when |
down # |
Param Inherited from Invoked when the mouse button is pressed or touch starts. |
drag # |
Param Inherited from Invoked when |
dragged # |
Param Invoked when This is simmilar but different then |
dragstart # |
Param Inherited from Invoked when |
dragstop # |
Param Inherited from Invoked when |
enabled # |
Param { type: Invoked when sprite is enabled |
focus # |
Param { event: Inherited from Invoked when |
globalscalechanged # |
Param { type: Invoked when the global scale changed, meaning that scale of |
Param { type: Invoked when visible |
hit # |
Param Invoked when |
inited # |
Param { type: Invoked when |
input # |
Param { event: Inherited from Invoked whenever information changes in the textual input elements, like |
keydown # |
Param { event: Inherited from Invoked when the key is pressed on the keyboard. |
keypress # |
Param { event: Inherited from Invoked when the key generates a "press", e.g. pressing and holding a letter key will generate repeated "keypress" events. |
keyup # |
Param { event: Inherited from Invoked when the key is released on the keyboard. |
maxsizechanged # |
Param { previousHeight: Invoked when maximum available size of the Sprite changes, i.e. when the size of parent container changes. |
out # |
Param Inherited from Invoked when mouse cursor moves out of NOTE: this event might not always contains |
over # |
Param Inherited from Invoked when mouse cursor moves over NOTE: this event might not always contains |
parentset # |
Param { type: Invoked when a sprite is added to a parent |
positionchanged # |
Param { type: Invoked when position of the |
propertychanged # |
Param { property: Invoked when property of the |
ready # |
Param { type: Invoked when For |
removedfromqueue # |
Param { type: Invoked when chart is shown if |
resize # |
Param Inherited from Invoked when |
rightclick # |
Param { type: Inherited from Invoked when right mouse button is clicked on the object. |
shown # |
Param { type: Invoked when hidden |
sizechanged # |
Param { type: Invoked when size of the Sprite changes. |
swipe # |
Param Inherited from Invoked when user performs "swiping" gesture (quick horizontal movement) on the object, either using mouse or touch. |
swipeleft # |
Param Inherited from Invoked when user performs "swiping" gesture towards left. |
swiperight # |
Param Inherited from Invoked when user performs "swiping" gesture towards right. |
toggled # |
Param { type: Invoked when |
track # |
Param Invoked when pointer (mouse cursor or touch point) moves over |
transformed # |
Param { dummyData: @todo Description |
transitionended # |
Param { type: Invoked when Sprite completes transition to a |
up # |
Param Inherited from Invoked when the mouse button is released or touch ends. |
validated # |
Param { type: Invoked when @todo Description (check) |
visibilitychanged # |
Param { visible: Invoked when visibility of the |
wheel # |
Param Invoked when user turns mouse wheel while over the |
wheeldown # |
Param Invoked when user turns mouse wheel downwards while over the |
wheelleft # |
Param Invoked when user turns mouse wheel leftwards while over the |
wheelright # |
Param Invoked when user turns mouse wheel rightwards while over the |
wheelup # |
Param Invoked when user turns mouse wheel upwards while over the |
zIndexChanged # |
Param { type: Invoked when zIndex of a sprite is changed |
There are 18 inherited items currently hidden from this list. |