
Type class

NumberFormatter class. Formats numbers according to specified formats.

@todo Apply translations to suffixes/prefixes


NumberFormatter can be used (imported) via one of the following packages.

 * --------------------------------------------------------
 * Import from: "core.ts"
 * Use like: am4core.NumberFormatter
 * --------------------------------------------------------
import * as am4core from "@amcharts/amcharts4/core";

 * --------------------------------------------------------
 * Include via: <script src="core.js"></script>
 * Access items like: am4.NumberFormatter
 * --------------------------------------------------------


NumberFormatter extends BaseObject.

NumberFormatter is not extended by any other symbol.



Type INumberSuffix[]

Prefixes for big numbers.

It's an array of objects of number/prefix pairs.

  { "number": 1e+3, "suffix": "K" },
  { "number": 1e+6, "suffix": "M" },
  { "number": 1e+9, "suffix": "G" },
  { "number": 1e+12, "suffix": "T" },
  { "number": 1e+15, "suffix": "P" },
  { "number": 1e+18, "suffix": "E" },
  { "number": 1e+21, "suffix": "Z" },
  { "number": 1e+24, "suffix": "Y" }

If the number is bigger than the number ir will be converted to the appropriate bigger number with prefix.

E.g. as per above 1500 will be converted to 1.5K.

Please note that for this transformation to be enabled, you need to enable it specific modifier in your format setting.

The modifier for big/small number modification is "a":


Click here Tutorial on number formatting


Type INumberSuffix[]

Basically the same as bigNumberPrefixes, except base for calculation is not thousand but byte (1024).

The modifier is "b".


The above 2048 will change to 2K.

Click here Tutorial on number formatting


Type $type.Optional < this >

Inherited from BaseObject

Reference to the original object this object was cloned from. We need to keep this so we can disassociate it from source object when this object is disposed.


Type object

Inherited from BaseObject

Use this property to set JSON-based config. When set, triggers processing routine, which will go through all properties, and try to apply values, create instances, etc.

Use this with caution, as it is a time-consuming process. It's used for initialchart setup only, not routine operations.


Type boolean


Type $type.Optional < string >

Inherited from BaseObject

Sets the user-defined id of the element.


Type string

Locales if you are using date formats in Intl.NumberFormatOptions syntax.

@see (@link about using Intl for number formatting


Type Language

A reference to Language instance.

Formatter will use language to translate various items, like number suffixes, etc.


Type number

Default 0

Negative base for negative numbers.

Click here Tutorial on number formatting


Type string | NumberFormatOptions

Default "#,###.#####"

Number format.

Click here Tutorial on number formatting


Type INumberSuffix[]

Prefixes for big numbers.

It's an array of objects of number/prefix pairs.

  { "number": 1e-24, "suffix": "y" },
  { "number": 1e-21, "suffix": "z" },
  { "number": 1e-18, "suffix": "a" },
  { "number": 1e-15, "suffix": "f" },
  { "number": 1e-12, "suffix": "p" },
  { "number": 1e-9, "suffix": "n" },
  { "number": 1e-6, "suffix": "μ" },
  { "number": 1e-3, "suffix": "m" }

If the number is smaller than the number ir will be converted to the appropriate smaller number with prefix.

E.g. as per above 0.0015 will be converted to 1.5m.

Please note that for this transformation to be enabled, you need to enable it specific modifier in your format setting.

The modifier for big/small number modification is "a":


IMPORTANT: The order of the suffixes is important. The list must start from the smallest number and work towards bigger ones.

Click here Tutorial on number formatting


Type number

Any number smaller than this will be considered "small" number, which will trigger special formatting if "a" format modifier is used.

@since 4.6.8


Type $type.Optional < Sprite >

Holds reference to parent Sprite object.


Type string

Inherited from BaseObject

Returns object's internal unique ID.

There are 4 inherited items currently hidden from this list.



cloneId?: string



Returns this

Inherited from BaseObject

Makes a copy of this object and returns the clone. Try to avoid cloning complex objects like chart, create new instances if you need them.



Returns NumberFormatter



object: this



Returns void

Inherited from BaseObject

Copies all properties and related data from different element.



Returns void


value: number | string,
format?: string | NumberFormatOptions,
precision?: number



Returns string

Formats the number according to specific format.



Returns ITheme[]

Inherited from BaseObject

Returns a list of themes that should be applied to this element. It could either be a list of themes set explicitly on this element, or system-wide.



Returns boolean

Inherited from BaseObject

Returns if this object has been already been disposed.

There are 4 inherited items currently hidden from this list.


NumberFormatter does not have any events.


NumberFormatter does not have any adapters.