Variable-radius Pie Slices

Type tutorial

This short tutorial will explain how you can create a Pie chart that uses data to vary radius of individual slices. Base chart Let’s take this simple Pie chart as a basis for our further experiments. Introducing radius value Right now, the size of each slice represents a value and its relation to other values […]

Maps with separator lines

Type tutorial

Some maps, bundled with amCharts 4, such as “U.S. territories” come with built-in separator lines. This tutorial will explain how to enable and configure them. Maps with separators GeoJSON format, which we use for our maps, allows including not only areas (polygons), but also line information. They may be used for a variety of reasons, […]

Fixed Scale of Value Axis

Type tutorial

Value axes in amCharts 4 will automatically adjust their scales to fit currently shown Series’ values as best as possible. This means that scale may, and probably will, change when you zoom/pan the chart, or toggle some series. This tutorial will show how you can easily “lock” the scale in place. Adaptive scale Here’s how […]

Setting minimal width of Scrollbar thumb

Type tutorial

This tutorial will explain how you can set minimal width/height of the chart Scrollbar’s “thumb” – draggable middle section. The problem OK, so you added a scrollbar (or a couple of) to your chart. This is great because it allows your users to zoom the chart as well as pan the selection. The thumb – […]

Using custom map zoom settings for individual countries

Type tutorial

Our Map Chart allows zooming directly to a specific polygon (country). However, for some countries, automatically-calculated zoom settings might not cut it. This tutorial will explain how you can use Polygon series data to override default zoom settings with custom ones. The problem We can make the chart zoom to a specific country using zoomToMapObject() […]

Creating custom filters

Type tutorial

amCharts 4 comes with a few basic rudimentary filters like “drop shadow”, “desaturate”, and a few others. However, you can do much much more with SVG filters. This tutorial will explain how you can create your own custom amCharts 4-compatible filter classes. What is a Filter? SVG filters An SVG filter (represented by <filter> tag) […]

Axis Grid and Ranges over Series

Type tutorial

The order of the universe is this: axis elements like grid and ranges go under series. This short tutorial will explain how to change that order. Since there’s no setting for that, the only way to do that is to move seriesContainer to back: chart.seriesContainer.zIndex = -1; chart.seriesContainer.zIndex = -1; { // … “seriesContainer”: { “zIndex”: […]

Custom polygons on Map Chart

Type tutorial

If you are working with Map Chart, you’re probably already familiar with MapPolygonSeries thatr get their geographical data from loaded map file, or “geodata”. However, Map polygons are not limited to this source of data. You can draw any shape and polygon on the map using in-line lat/long coordinates. This tutorial will show how. The […]

Using Error Bullets

Type tutorial

Error bullets are special kind of bullets that help illustrate error margin for the particular series value. This tutorial will explain how you can add those to amCharts 4 series. Adding error bullet REQUIRED READING If you’re not familiar how bullets are used in amCharts 4, we suggest you run by “Bullets” article first. To […]

Auto-adjusting chart height based on a number of data items

Type tutorial

This tutorial will explain how you can easily make your chart grow or contract based on an actual number of data. The problem Let’s take a simple bar chart: It looks OK. However, it height is fixed, so if we had more bars, it might start looking a bit awkward: Or, if there are too […]