Type tutorial
Normally, heatmaps that use “heat rules” are restricted to two colors as well as gradient in-between. In tutorial we’ll see how we can use adapters to apply any number of colors to heat map based on source value. The task During the course of this tutorial we’ll transform the chart to color columns in series […]
Type tutorial
This tutorial will explain how you can use adapters to fill columns to different colors, based on their value. The task Let’s say we have a column chart that has both positive and negative values. Right now, all of the columns are filled with a single color. What we want to do, is to color […]
Type tutorial
Error bullets are special kind of bullets that help illustrate error margin for the particular series value. This tutorial will explain how you can add those to amCharts 4 series. Adding error bullet REQUIRED READING If you’re not familiar how bullets are used in amCharts 4, we suggest you run by “Bullets” article first. To […]
Type tutorial
It’s possible to selectively specify the location of Sankey diagram labels, based on the position of their parent Nodes. This tutorial will show how. Base chart The labels are all placed to the right of their respective nodes. To make the chart look nicer, lets make labels of the right-most nodes placed to the left […]
Type tutorial
Normally, a chart will try to hide axis labels so they do not overlap. However, you might need them all displayed. One option is to rotate labels. Other option is discussed in this tutorial. Base chart The following chart was set up to show all labels, regardless if they are overlapping. categoryAxis.renderer.minGridDistance = 30; categoryAxis.renderer.minGridDistance […]
Type tutorial
This quick tutorial shows how you can inventively use adapters to apply custom formatting options to stacks of columns. The task Suppose, we have a stacked column chart. And want the top of the each stack to have rounded corners. Here’s our target chart, BTW: Rounding the corners One way to go about rounding the […]
Type tutorial
Normally the Legend will either display identical markers for all items, or make them look like their related series. This tutorial shows how you can use adapters to further customize each individual item in Legend. Prerequisites First of all, we’ll need to know what adapters are. Those are custom functions that you attach to an […]
Type tutorial
The granularity of Value axis labels depends on available space and some settings. Sometimes, when there’s enough space, and the range of values is not great, the axis will throw in intermediate non-integer values as labels. This tutorial will show how to hide those non-integer labels. Base chart Let’s use this bar chart as an […]
Type tutorial
If your chart uses bullets – either as shapes or text labels – you might find yourself in situations where you might need to adjust certain aspect of bullet based on specific value or value change. It might be alignment of a label, or a color of dot. This article will explain how you can […]
Type tutorial
Sometimes you will end up with an XY chart that has non-unique categories in its data. This tutorial will explain how to deal with such situation. Base chart We’re going to start off with a very basic XY chart that has a category axis, and some matching categories in its data: [{ “category”: “1st”, “value”: […]