Setting colors of NavigationBar in TreeMap

Type demo

This demo shows how default colors of the links in NavigationBar on a TreeMap chart. chart.navigationBar = new am4charts.NavigationBar(); chart.navigationBar.links.template.fill = am4core.color(“#691E06”); chart.navigationBar.activeLink.fill = am4core.color(“#8F250C”); chart.navigationBar = new am4charts.NavigationBar(); chart.navigationBar.links.template.fill = am4core.color(“#691E06”); chart.navigationBar.activeLink.fill = am4core.color(“#8F250C”); { // … “navigationBar”: { “links”: { “fill”: “#691E06” }, “activeLink”: { “fill”: “#8F250C” } } }

Using “patterns” theme

Type tutorial

amCharts 4 comes with a “patterns” theme (since version 4.7.5). It’s a bit different from other themes as it modifies the output of some elements quite radically. This tutorial takes a closer look at what this theme does, and how it can be modified for various purposes. The purpose The “patterns” theme’s main purpose is […]

Lighten fill color for each level of Force Directed Tree

Type tutorial

This short but useful tutorial will show how you can automatically make node fill color lighter with each subsequent level of a nodes with each subsequent level in a Force Directed Tree. The task By default, ForceDirectedSeries colors node with a solid color. Its direct descendants, as well as their descendants inherit same color throughout […]

Different column fill colors for positive and negative values

Type tutorial

This tutorial will explain how you can use adapters to fill columns to different colors, based on their value. The task Let’s say we have a column chart that has both positive and negative values. Right now, all of the columns are filled with a single color. What we want to do, is to color […]

Overriding series’ tooltip fill color

Type tutorial

Normally, a Tooltip that is displayed when you hover or touch a series’ item – slice, column, etc. – is colored the same way as the related object. This quick tutorial will show you how to override that color. To turn off “inheritance” of color from related object, we can set getFillFromObject = falseĀ for the […]