Toggling multiple series with a single legend item

Type tutorial

This tutorial will show how you can toggle several Series at once, with a single Legend item. Base chart Let’s start with a basic chart with three Line series. Each Series has its own entry in the Legend. Click any of those will toggle its corresponding Series on and off. Suppose, we need to have […]

Creating Pie Series Animations

Type tutorial

By default (if you are using “animated” theme), Pie series will fade in when chart initializes. Let’s explore how we can fancy-up those animations. Base chart Let’s take this chart as a base: As you can see, it just fades in. Boooooring. Let’s fix that. The concepts But, before we jump to unicorns and rainbows, […]

Taming Candlestick Series

Type tutorial

Candlesticks are a good way to depict data dynamics using variety of metrics. Instead of single value – used on most series – candlesticks use four: open, high, low, and close. This tutorial will explain how to set up and configure Candlestick series. Adding and setting up Adding a CandlestickSeries is no different than adding […]

Individual legend item for each column

Type tutorial

Normally on an XY Chart, Legend creates a single item for each Series. This brief tutorial will show how you can create custom legend which will show an item for each individual column in a single Column series. Base chart Let’s take this chart as a base. It uses an adapter to color each column […]

Hiding Small Pie Slices

Type tutorial

Pie chart sizes its slices proportionally, based on the relative values. Sometimes that means that we end up with a chart that has a bunch of small-value slices that are barely visible, but clutter up the chart. Here’s one chart like that: Ewww. Let’s see what we can do about it. Hiding labels Let’s hide […]

Using custom map zoom settings for individual countries

Type tutorial

Our Map Chart allows zooming directly to a specific polygon (country). However, for some countries, automatically-calculated zoom settings might not cut it. This tutorial will explain how you can use Polygon series data to override default zoom settings with custom ones. The problem We can make the chart zoom to a specific country using zoomToMapObject() […]

Custom polygons on Map Chart

Type tutorial

If you are working with Map Chart, you’re probably already familiar with MapPolygonSeries thatr get their geographical data from loaded map file, or “geodata”. However, Map polygons are not limited to this source of data. You can draw any shape and polygon on the map using in-line lat/long coordinates. This tutorial will show how. The […]

Using Error Bullets

Type tutorial

Error bullets are special kind of bullets that help illustrate error margin for the particular series value. This tutorial will explain how you can add those to amCharts 4 series. Adding error bullet REQUIRED READING If you’re not familiar how bullets are used in amCharts 4, we suggest you run by “Bullets” article first. To […]

Controlling fill direction of a Line series

Type tutorial

Normally, a Line series with fill enabled, will fill any space between itself and a horizontal “zero line”. This tutorial will explore, how we can tame it to our specific needs. Base chart Consider this basic chart. It’s a two-Value axis chart with a Line series, wiggling around zero values – both horizontally and vertically. […]

Grid over Series

Type tutorial

Chart grid belongs in the back – behind all other chart elements. However sometimes, you might want to take them the front seat. This short tutorial will show you how. Moving plot container to back The reason why grid lines appear behind series is that they belong to axes and containers that hold axes are […]