
Type interface

Defines events for SlicedChart.


ISlicedChartEvents extends IPercentChartEvents.

ISlicedChartEvents is not extended by any other symbol.



Param { type: "appeared",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when Sprite appears. Sprite appears when sprite.appear() method is called and show animation is finished.


Param { type: "beforedatavalidated",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IComponentEvents

Invoked just before element is validated (after changes).


Param { type: "beforedisposed",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked just before Sprite is disposed.


Param { type: "beforevalidated",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked before Sprite is validated.

@todo Description (check)


Param { event: FocusEvent,
  type: "blur",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when focusable object loses focus, e.g. by clicking outside it or pressing TAB button to focus on the next focusable object.


Param { newValue: Sprite,
  type: "childadded",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IContainerEvents

Invoked when a child Sprite is added to Container.


Param { oldValue: Sprite,
  type: "childremoved",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IContainerEvents

Invoked when a child Sprite is removed from


Param { type: "dataitemsvalidated",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IComponentEvents

Invoked when value(s) of the element's data items are validated.


Param { type: "datarangechanged",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IComponentEvents

Invoked when range of the currently selected data is validated.

@todo: change to datarangevalidated?


Param { type: "datavalidated",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IComponentEvents

Invoked when the raw data for the component changes.


Param { type: "disabled",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when sprite is disabled


Param SpritePointerTypeEvent & SpritePointEvent & SpriteMouseTouchEvent & { type: "doublehit",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when Sprite is clicked or touched twice in rapid succession.


Param PointerTypeEvent & PointerEvent & MouseTouchEvent & { type: "down",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when the mouse button is pressed or touch starts.


Param PointerTypeEvent & ShiftEvent & PointEvent & { event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | KeyboardEvent,
  startPoint: IPoint,
  type: "drag",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when draggable object is being dragged. (using mouse, touch or keyboard)


Param SpritePointerTypeEvent & SpriteShiftEvent & SpritePointEvent & { event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | KeyboardEvent,
  startPoint: IPoint,
  type: "dragged",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when draggable object is being dragged. (using mouse, touch or keyboard).

This is simmilar but different then "drag" event in that it kicks in after "drag" which modifies Sprite coordinates. This allows doing own manipulations and corrections to element positions.


Param PointerTypeEvent & { event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | KeyboardEvent,
  type: "dragstart",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when draggable object dragging starts. This event is not invoked immediatelly after down, but only if there's a movement of the pointer.


Param PointerTypeEvent & { event: MouseTouchEvent | KeyboardEvent,
  type: "dragstop",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when draggable object is released. This event will not fire if position of the object did not change.


Param { type: "enabled",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when sprite is enabled


Param { type: "endchanged",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IComponentEvents

Invoked when end position changesPlease note that endhanged event is dispatched immediately after zoom occurs, so some related properties (e.g. maxZoomed on ValueAxis) might not be yet updated.

Use startendchanged event instead if you need to rely on updated zoom-related values.


Param { event: FocusEvent,
  type: "focus",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when focusable object gains focus, e.g. by using TAB button.


Param { type: "globalscalechanged",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when the global scale changed, meaning that scale of Sprite or any of its ascendants changed.


Param { type: "hidden",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when visible Sprite is hidden.


Param SpritePointerTypeEvent & SpritePointEvent & SpriteMouseTouchEvent & { type: "hit",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when Sprite is clicked or touched.


Param { type: "inited",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when Sprite is initialized.


Param { event: KeyboardEvent,
  type: "input",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked whenever information changes in the textual input elements, like <input>, <textarea>, etc.


Param { event: KeyboardEvent,
  type: "keydown",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when the key is pressed on the keyboard.


Param { event: KeyboardEvent,
  type: "keypress",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when the key generates a "press", e.g. pressing and holding a letter key will generate repeated "keypress" events.


Param { event: KeyboardEvent,
  type: "keyup",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when the key is released on the keyboard.


Param { type: "layoutvalidated",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IContainerEvents

invoked when layout of the container is validated


Param { previousHeight: number,
  previousWidth: number,
  type: "maxsizechanged",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when maximum available size of the Sprite changes, i.e. when the size of parent container changes.


Param PointerTypeEvent & MouseTouchEvent & PointerEvent & { type: "out",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when mouse cursor moves out of hoverable object or it is no longer touched.

NOTE: this event might not always contains pointer parameter as event might be triggered by API?


Param PointerTypeEvent & MouseTouchEvent & PointerEvent & { type: "over",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when mouse cursor moves over hoverable object or it is touched.

NOTE: this event might not always contains pointer parameter as event might be triggered by API?


Param { type: "parentset",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when a sprite is added to a parent


Param { type: "positionchanged",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when position of the Sprite changes.


Param { property: string,
  type: "propertychanged",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when property of the Sprite changes.


Param { type: "rangechangeended",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IComponentEvents

Invoked when range change animation ends


Param { type: "rangechangestarted",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IComponentEvents

Invoked when range change animation starts


Param { type: "ready",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when Sprite is becomes ready, that is it has finished all calculations and building itself.

For Container object (and all those inheriting it, including charts) this event will fire when all children become ready.


Param { type: "removedfromqueue",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when chart is shown if am4core.options.queue = true or/and am4core.options.onlyShowOnViewport = true.


Param PointerTypeEvent & ScaleEvent & MouseTouchEvent & { point1: IPoint,
  point2: IPoint,
  startPoint1: IPoint,
  startPoint2: IPoint,
  type: "resize",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when resizable object is being resized either by mouse or touch pinch gesture.


Param { type: "rightclick",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when right mouse button is clicked on the object.


Param { type: "shown",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when hidden Sprite is shown.


Param { type: "sizechanged",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when size of the Sprite changes.


Param { type: "startchanged",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IComponentEvents

Invoked when start position changes.

Please note that startchanged event is dispatched immediately after zoom occurs, so some related properties (e.g. minZoomed on ValueAxis) might not be yet updated.

Use startendchanged event instead if you need to rely on updated zoom-related values.


Param { type: "startendchanged",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IComponentEvents

Invoked when start or end position changes, unlike startchanged/endchanged this event is fired not immediately but at the end of a cycle.


Param PointerTypeEvent & MouseTouchEvent & { type: "swipe",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when user performs "swiping" gesture (quick horizontal movement) on the object, either using mouse or touch.


Param PointerTypeEvent & MouseTouchEvent & { type: "swipeleft",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when user performs "swiping" gesture towards left.


Param PointerTypeEvent & MouseTouchEvent & { type: "swiperight",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when user performs "swiping" gesture towards right.


Param { type: "toggled",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when togglable Sprite is being toggled on and off. (its isActive property is being changed)


Param SpritePointerTypeEvent & SpritePointEvent & SpritePointerEvent & SpriteMouseTouchEvent & { type: "track",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when pointer (mouse cursor or touch point) moves over trackable Sprite.


Param { dummyData: string,
  type: "transformed",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

@todo Description


Param { type: "transitionended",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when Sprite completes transition to a SpriteState.


Param PointerTypeEvent & PointerEvent & MouseTouchEvent & { type: "up",
  target: Target }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when the mouse button is released or touch ends.


Param { type: "validated",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when Sprite is validated. (on init or after update)

@todo Description (check)


Param { visible: boolean,
  type: "visibilitychanged",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when visibility of the Sprite changes. (from visible to hidden, and vice versa)


Param SpritePointEvent & SpriteShiftEvent & { event: WheelEvent,
  type: "wheel",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when user turns mouse wheel while over the Sprite.


Param SpritePointEvent & SpriteShiftEvent & { event: WheelEvent,
  type: "wheeldown",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when user turns mouse wheel downwards while over the Sprite.


Param SpritePointEvent & SpriteShiftEvent & { event: WheelEvent,
  type: "wheelleft",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when user turns mouse wheel leftwards while over the Sprite.


Param SpritePointEvent & SpriteShiftEvent & { event: WheelEvent,
  type: "wheelright",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when user turns mouse wheel rightwards while over the Sprite.


Param SpritePointEvent & SpriteShiftEvent & { event: WheelEvent,
  type: "wheelup",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when user turns mouse wheel upwards while over the Sprite.


Param { type: "zIndexChanged",
  target: Target }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when zIndex of a sprite is changed

There are 61 inherited items currently hidden from this list.