Type tutorial
Axes of various types follow their own logic when they choose where to place its grid and labels. However, sometimes you need to place those labels at precisely value X, or on date Y. That’s where axis ranges might come in handy, which is the focus of this tutorial. Prerequisites Just to refresh your memory […]
Type demo
This demo shows how we can use ValueAxis event “ready” to fix its scale (min and max values) on load so it does not change when chart is zoomed or scrolled.
Type demo
This demo will show how you can simulate an order of columns from different ColumnSeries within each category. It uses the following things to achieve it: Each ColumnSeries has clustered = false set so that it always takes up the whole width of the “hidden” categories. Data is manipulated so that each category contains only […]
Type demo
This demo will show how you can place the labels below both ends of the GaugeChart’s axis.
Type demo
Normally, an axis on a GaugeChart will place labels at convenient intervals – so they are not too crammed and not too sparse. It will depend on actual chart size. However, in some case you might want to place labels at exact values, no matter what. This demo will show how you can disable axis […]
Type demo
This simple demo shows an XYChart where each series uses own CategoryAxis with completely different categories.
Type demo
This demo shows how we can add hit events to CategoryAxis labels, so that we can highlight respective column by applying active state to it.
Type demo
This demo shows how we can use additional axis and adapters to display total value in additional tooltip on top of the chart.
Type demo
This demo shows how horizontal axis can be placed into a different container so it remains static and visible when oversized chart is getting scrolled.
Type demo
This demo shows how you can use chart’s API to toggle axis ranges on and off .