Draggable series axis ranges
This demo shows how we can create a “series axis range” and make it draggable, dynamically adjusting threshold lines and respective series fills.
This demo shows how we can create a “series axis range” and make it draggable, dynamically adjusting threshold lines and respective series fills.
Do you know that XYChartScrollbar is not some mystical new class, but rather a full fledged XYChart. This means that we can do with it anything we can do with a regular chart, including adding axis ranges. This demo does exactly that.
This demo shows how we can implement hit event on DateAxis labels to automatically zoom to the clicked period.
This tutorial is for amCharts 4. If you’re looking for amCharts 5 info, use this link. Axis ranges is a good way to highlight specific places or stretches along an axis. This tutorial will show how we can create code to automatically create axis ranges to highlight weekends on a DateAxis. The task Say, we […]
In XYChart we are used to plot series from the values that appear in data. This tutorial will show how we can plot from other auto-calculated values such as percent or change. Intro For an XYSeries to work – be it LineSeries, ColumnSeries, or some other type – we need to bind it to data. […]
This tutorial will show how you can use axis ranges to organize its labels into a groups. What is axis range? If you’re not familiar with axis ranges, we strongly suggest you take a look at the dedicated “Axis ranges” article. We’re going to be using some of the know how from the above article. […]
CurveChart (or a TimeLine) is a new exciting chart product, allowing twisting and bending the charts into any custom shape. This tutorial will show how you can make labels of a curved axis follow its angle. Base chart Let’s start with a basic chart example we took from our “TimeLine Chart” article: The X axis […]
The XYChart can be zoomed using built-in scrollbar controls or with a chart cursor. This tutorial will show how you can zoom the chart programatically using its API. Zooming chart via API The zooming of a chart happens via zooming of a particular axis. Say we have a DateAxis as chart’s X axis. To zoom […]
Normally, all initialized Value Axes are shown, even if they do not have any visible Series attached to them. This also means that when Series is toggled off, the related Value Axis will remain. This tutorial will show how we can toggle axes off together with Series. The problem Let’s take a simple multi-series multi-axes […]
Any axis in amCharts 4 can be zoomed. And sometimes we need to know when that happens, as well as the range of the new zoom. This tutorial will walk through all the necessary information to make that happen. This works a bit differently on different axis types, so we’ll explore them separately. Catching zoom […]