Toggling multiple series with a single legend item

Type tutorial

This tutorial will show how you can toggle several Series at once, with a single Legend item. Base chart Let’s start with a basic chart with three Line series. Each Series has its own entry in the Legend. Click any of those will toggle its corresponding Series on and off. Suppose, we need to have […]

Hide map images until zoomed in

Type tutorial

Showing a lot of markers on the map may render it cluttered beyond usability. This tutorial will show how you can easily specify custom zoom levels for each individual image to be shown at. The problem Say we have a map with a lot of images in a MapImageSeries: While not exactly “unusable”, still a […]

Custom static multi-value tooltip

Type tutorial

Its easy to consolidate a lot of data into a single tooltip that is displayed over Series using Cursor. We’ve covered it in this tutorial. But what if we don’t want a huge square following our cursor, and would rather display that info in a fixed place in the corner? Read on, as we show […]

Individual legend item for each column

Type tutorial

Normally on an XY Chart, Legend creates a single item for each Series. This brief tutorial will show how you can create custom legend which will show an item for each individual column in a single Column series. Base chart Let’s take this chart as a base. It uses an adapter to color each column […]

Retrieving latitude/longitude of map click

Type tutorial

This tutorial will show how we can retrieve latitude / longitude coordinates of a click on map. The task When user clicks or taps anywhere on the Map, we want to retrieve the geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) of the target point. We also want to make something useful with it, say, placing a marker […]

Retrieving information of a clicked Map Object

Type tutorial

In this tutorial we’ve seen how we can zoom in on a clicked country. We’re going to build on that to retrieve information about clicked object. Base map As mentioned in the preamble, we’re going to be using a map, created in another tutorial. The “Zooming to a map area on click” tutorial explains how […]

Removing chart background on print

Type tutorial

Your on-screen designs might call for a chart background. However, when printed, those will wasted a lot of ink. This tutorial will explain how to disable chart’s background when using Export’s Print option. The problem Let’s use a chart with a nice gradient as a background. Now, when we try to print it, the background […]

Auto-adjusting chart height based on a number of data items

Type tutorial

This tutorial will explain how you can easily make your chart grow or contract based on an actual number of data. The problem Let’s take a simple bar chart: It looks OK. However, it height is fixed, so if we had more bars, it might start looking a bit awkward: Or, if there are too […]

Pre-zooming Map to a Country

Type tutorial

You can pre-zoom the map to certain coordinates and level. If you don’t want to do that, you can make the chart pre-zoom to a particular country. This tutorial will explain how. Zooming to country The Map chart has a dedicated method for zooming to a polygon (country) of our choice: zoomToMapObject(object). The name leaves […]

One pulled slice per Pie chart

Type tutorial

Normally, when you click/tap a slice on a Pie chart, it would pull out a little. You can have multiple slices pulled out that way. This tutorial will show how you can set up Pie chart in order to allow only one slice to be pulled at any given time. Task We want the slice […]