Pre-zooming Map to a Country

You can pre-zoom the map to certain coordinates and level. If you don't want to do that, you can make the chart pre-zoom to a particular country. This tutorial will explain how.

Zooming to country

The Map chart has a dedicated method for zooming to a polygon (country) of our choice: zoomToMapObject(object).

The name leaves little to the imagination about what it does: when invoked it will zoom the map to that particular object, in our cause it's Map polygon.

It accepts an object reference as a parameter.

Let's say all we have is a country ISO ID. The ID for India is "IN".

Since we need to pass in a full fledged map object, not just an ID, we'll need to find it among Map series' mapPolygons. MapPolygonSeries has a method for that: getPolygonById(id).

Finally, we want the map to be fully loaded when we start zooming it, so we will use its "ready" event."ready", function(ev) {
});"ready", function(ev) {
  // ...
 "series": [{
    "type": "MapPolygonSeries",
    "id": "s1",
     // ...
  "events": {
    "ready": function(ev) {
      // Note how we need to retrieve series by its id property
      var polygonSeries ="s1");

See the Pen amCharts 4: Pre-zooming to country by amCharts (@amcharts) on CodePen.

Highlighting selected country

Let's go a bit further, and highlight the country we have zoomed in to.

To do that, we will need to create an "active" state, as well as trigger it on the pre-zoomed country.

// Create active state
let as = polygonTemplate.states.create("active"); = am4core.color("#7B3625");

// ..."ready", function(ev) {
  let india = polygonSeries.getPolygonById("IN");
  // Pre-zoom
  // Set active state
  setTimeout(function() {
    india.isActive = true;
  }, 1000);
// Create active state
var as = polygonTemplate.states.create("active"); = am4core.color("#7B3625");

// ..."ready", function(ev) {
  var india = polygonSeries.getPolygonById("IN");
  // Pre-zoom
  // Set active state
  setTimeout(function() {
    india.isActive = true;
  }, 1000);
  // ...
  "series": [{
    "type": "MapPolygonSeries",
    "id": "s1",
    // ...
    "states": [{
      "hover": {
        // ...
      "active": {
        "properties": {
          "fill": "#7B3625"
  "events": {
    "ready": function(ev) {
      // Note how we need to retrieve series by its id property
      var polygonSeries ="s1");
      var india = polygonSeries.getPolygonById("IN");


      // Set active state
      setTimeout(function() {
        india.isActive = true;
      }, 1000);

See the Pen amCharts 4: Pre-zooming to country (2) by amCharts (@amcharts) on CodePen.

Countries with parts over longitude threshold

Boundaries for some countries cross the -180/180 longitude threshold and therefore will be zoomed seemingly incorrectly.

The solution is using custom zoom settings as described in "Using custom map zoom settings for individual countries".

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