Type tutorial
This tutorial will show how we can fix a problem where hovered MapPolygon has part of its outline (stroke) hidden behind the adjacent polygons. The problem Let’s say we have a “hover” state on our polygons to apply thicker outline (stroke) on a map polygon when it’s hovered. E.g.: The code above ensures that when […]
Type demo
We can use setting strokeDasharray to make lines on a MapChart dashed. However, zooming in will also make dashes grow in size. This demo shows how we can add adapter which would maintain the same dash length across zooms.
Type tutorial
This tutorial will show how we can combine two MapPolygonSeries using different geodata granularity to create outlines for groups of smaller areas. The task Let’s say we have a county map of Canada. We would use geodata/regions/canada/canadaCountiesLow map for that. Easy enough, but we would get a map with all the counties, with no distinction […]
Type demo
This short demo shows how our own MapChart can be overlaid over Google Maps using JavaScript Maps API, complete with total syncing of zoom and pan.
Type tutorial
The geodata package for MapChart includes not only country and world maps. It also has special county maps for some of the worlds countries, like United States, Canada, and Mexico. This tutorial will show how you can use them. Using county maps The county map files for each available country are located under regionsubdirectory of […]
Type tutorial
Some countries like India, China, and some other have local regulations regarding how their borders are drawn that differ from UN-mandated or actually controlled territories. This tutorial will explain how to use country-specific maps with MapChart. Available maps The following country-specific versions of World map are currently available: Country Map files (.ts; .js; .json) Map […]
Type tutorial
Each line in a MapChart is an SVG object in document’s DOM tree. This means we can use CSS to target and modify it, including using CSS animations. This tutorial will show how we can make MapLine animate itself from the start. Prerequisites We’re going to assume that you know what MapLine is, how to […]
Type demo
This quick demo will show how you can use heat rules to place bubbles and related labels on a MapChart.
Type demo
This demo shows how we can programatically trigger display of the rollover tooltip on a MapChart by setting respective polygon’s isHover property.
Type demo
This demo shows how we can use any image as a MapChart background that pans and zooms together with the map itself.