Projected circles over map

Type tutorial

This tutorial will show how you can add “projected circles” on the map. Projected circles respect map projection and look much more natural, as if they were “laid down” on the ground, not stuck as pins. How to add regular images to map is covered pretty well in “Image series” section of our Map chart […]

Using actual images in MapImageSeries

Type tutorial

In our main Map Chart article we have touched the topic of creating an image series, feeding them data, and positioning them. However, we were operating using plain, same shapes. This tutorial will show how we can use actual images as markers on the map. Using same image Explaining MapImageSeries in our Map Chart article, […]

Pre-zooming Map to a list of countries

Type tutorial

In this tutorial we explained how you can pre-zoom your map to a specific country. This tutorial builds on it to produce an example that pre-zooms the map to several countries. One-country solution In the previous tutorial we have used Map series’ method getPolygonById(id) to extract a polygon object of a specific country by its […]

Using “d3-geo” projections

Type tutorial

There are quite a few projections built-into amCharts 4. However, if you are not finding one that suits your needs, you can use one from “d3-geo” package. This tutorial will explain how. Finding a D3 projection D3 has a list of supported projections on their GitHub page. When sifting through the list, note the function […]

Automatic labels over map polygons

Type tutorial

During the course of this article we’re going to learn how to automatically place labels over map polygons, as well as make them positioned just the right way. Base map As a polygon of our development, let’s use a map of the United States in an Albers USA projection. Series for polygons Setting up Polygon […]

Using Albers USA projection

Type tutorial

The most common depiction of a map of the United States is one that shows Alaska and Hawaii placed right below mainland USA. This allows this map to be more compact and usable, in comparison how it would be if both of those states were in their usual places. This way of depicting USA map […]

Hide map images until zoomed in

Type tutorial

Showing a lot of markers on the map may render it cluttered beyond usability. This tutorial will show how you can easily specify custom zoom levels for each individual image to be shown at. The problem Say we have a map with a lot of images in a MapImageSeries: While not exactly “unusable”, still a […]

Retrieving latitude/longitude of map click

Type tutorial

This tutorial will show how we can retrieve latitude / longitude coordinates of a click on map. The task When user clicks or taps anywhere on the Map, we want to retrieve the geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) of the target point. We also want to make something useful with it, say, placing a marker […]

Retrieving information of a clicked Map Object

Type tutorial

In this tutorial we’ve seen how we can zoom in on a clicked country. We’re going to build on that to retrieve information about clicked object. Base map As mentioned in the preamble, we’re going to be using a map, created in another tutorial. The “Zooming to a map area on click” tutorial explains how […]

Maps with separator lines

Type tutorial

Some maps, bundled with amCharts 4, such as “U.S. territories” come with built-in separator lines. This tutorial will explain how to enable and configure them. Maps with separators GeoJSON format, which we use for our maps, allows including not only areas (polygons), but also line information. They may be used for a variety of reasons, […]