Disabling scrollbar grips

Type tutorial

This short tutorial will show how you can disable grip buttons on chart Scrollbar. Here’s a regular scrollbar: Scrollbar’s grips are accessible via its startGrip and endGrip properties. To disable them, simply use their disabled properties: chart.scrollbarX.startGrip.disabled = true;chart.scrollbarX.endGrip.disabled = true; chart.scrollbarX.startGrip.disabled = true;chart.scrollbarX.endGrip.disabled = true; { // … “scrollbarX”: { “type”: “Scrollbar”, “startGrip”: { […]

Creating Timeline Charts

Type tutorial

This tutorial will explain how you can use regular Line Series to create functional timelines, complete with bullets and annotations. Creating a chart Data Since basic Timeline charts are used to depict sequence of events, rather than exact time or value scale, exact values in our data are not important. However, since we are going […]

Stacked Axes

Type tutorial

This tutorial will introduce you to a powerful concept of “axis stacking”. What is it? amCharts 4 allows having multiple axes of any type. For example, you can have three series attached to three separate Value axes. In a traditional charts those value axes might be put either to left or right, but they will […]

Taming Candlestick Series

Type tutorial

Candlesticks are a good way to depict data dynamics using variety of metrics. Instead of single value – used on most series – candlesticks use four: open, high, low, and close. This tutorial will explain how to set up and configure Candlestick series. Adding and setting up Adding a CandlestickSeries is no different than adding […]

Using Error Bullets

Type tutorial

Error bullets are special kind of bullets that help illustrate error margin for the particular series value. This tutorial will explain how you can add those to amCharts 4 series. Adding error bullet REQUIRED READING If you’re not familiar how bullets are used in amCharts 4, we suggest you run by “Bullets” article first. To […]

Grid over Series

Type tutorial

Chart grid belongs in the back – behind all other chart elements. However sometimes, you might want to take them the front seat. This short tutorial will show you how. Moving plot container to back The reason why grid lines appear behind series is that they belong to axes and containers that hold axes are […]

Using label bullets on a horizontal bar chart

Type tutorial

This tutorial will show how you can use LabelBullet to decorate your horizontal bar chart with data labels. Preparing Prerequisites This tutorial will rely heavily on using Series’ bullets. If you’re not familiar on how bullets work in amCharts 4, please go through “Bullets” article first. Also, since we’re going to be binding our labels to […]

Curved Column Series

Type tutorial

This quick tutorial will serve as an introduction to the special type of series – CurvedColumnSeries. Prerequisites Just so we’re in a familiar territory, let’s start with a basic column chart. It has one Column series, with an adapter coloring each column a new color. Your just everyday normal column chart. Turning on the waves […]

Titles on top of vertical (value) axis

Type tutorial

Adding titles to axes is easy – just use axis’ title property. It will add a vertical or horizontal title next to axis depending on its position. However, you might want to place axis label directly on top of the vertical axis. This tutorial will show how. Prerequisites Containers This tutorial will refer to the concept […]

Building a Waterfall chart

Type tutorial

Waterfall chart is a special kind of chart consisting of floating columns that relate each other via their open and close values. This tutorial will explain how you can build one with amCharts 4 by combining Column and Step line series on an XY chart. Prerequisites This tutorial relies experience creating XY charts and its […]