Type tutorial
Are you getting a “Chart was not disposed” warning in your browser console? You’re doing something wrong. Read on for an explanation. When the warning is displayed? When you instantiate a chart, it creates a bunch of objects as well as other stuff like event handlers. All those things occupy computer memory and consume some […]
Type tutorial
In amCharts 4, labels – be it bullets, axis values, or just about any other text – are not limited to just font size and color. This tutorial will show how you can set background color and shape for them as well. Enabling label background Whenever you see text on a chart, it is represented […]
Type tutorial
The Intl object is the namespace for the ECMAScript Internationalization API, which provides language sensitive string comparison, number formatting, and date and time formatting. This tutorial will show how you can use Intl options and locales for date/time and number formatting in place of string-based amCharts format definitions. Intro amCharts 4 uses DateFormatter and NumberFormatter objects to […]
Type tutorial
amCharts 4 comes with a “patterns” theme (since version 4.7.5). It’s a bit different from other themes as it modifies the output of some elements quite radically. This tutorial takes a closer look at what this theme does, and how it can be modified for various purposes. The purpose The “patterns” theme’s main purpose is […]
Type tutorial
By default, the chart places its export menu in one of its corners. This tutorial will show how you can easily move it out of the chart and into any container on your page. The solution If you examine ExportMenu class, you’ll notice the property named container. By default it contains reference to the <div> […]
Type tutorial
amCharts 4 comes with extensive accessibility functionality, of which part is ability to highlight focused items with a high-contrast outline. This tutorial will show how you can modify the appearance of this outline. Default behavior Some chart elements – columns, buttons, bullets, or slices to name a few – are selectable via TAB key. When […]
Type tutorial
amCharts 4 comes pre-loaded with extensive chart export functionality. Besides ability to export chart to various image and data formats, it can also export to PDF documents. This tutorial will show, how you can easily tap into this process to include extra information, like text, tables, and even images, into exported PDF. The task By […]
Type tutorial
Version 4.6.8 brought a new feature to chart exporting functionality: ability to modify chart appearance any way we want before export. For example we’d like to watermark exported charts with an attribution message. Or we want to add any additional titles or info. This tutorial will show how we can do it. The task Let’s […]
Type tutorial
This tutorial will show how you can easily replace the default … in export menu’s top level item with a custom image. Default behavior Export menu displays a button with a triple dot in it: Let’s change it to something else. Top-menu item The menu which is an object of type ExportMenu has a property […]
Type tutorial
Any element on a chart can have tooltipText set to display in form of a tooltip when hovered or touched. This tutorial will show how you can turn those tooltips into “sticky”, so they are always shown, without requiring to hover/touch the element. Requirements The functionality was introduced in version 4.5.4, so if you happen […]