“Sticky” chart cursor

Type tutorial

Normal XYCursor is hidden automatically when plot area is no longer hovered. This tutorial shows how you can easily make it “sticky”, that is make it stay in its last known location. Enabling XYCursor does not have a built-in setting to make it “sticky”, so we’ll have to improvise. For that we’ll use two components: […]

Individual thresholds for columns

Type tutorial

This tutorial will show how you can use additional series to apply individual thresholds to columns in a ColumnSeries. The task Say we have a column chart and would like to apply individual threshold values for each column. Our data might look something like this: [{ “category”: “Research”, “value”: 450, “threshold”: 220}, { “category”: “Marketing”, […]

Disabling default hover and click effects on Pie Chart

Type tutorial

When you hover over a slice on a Pie Chart it slightly grows. When you click it, it pulls out a bit out of place. This tutorial will show how you can disable this default behavior. How it works? It is controlled by states. When you hover something, a “hover” state is applied to the […]

Sum label inside a donut chart

Type tutorial

The defining characteristic of each donut, including donut charts, is its hole. It’s a space that can be used for good. This tutorial will show how we can easily add some labels inside it to display complementing information, such as sum of values for all the slices. Adding a label Most of the elements in […]

“3D” line series

Type tutorial

This tutorial will show how you can easily create a “3D stack” effect on regular LineSeries. Base chart Let’s take this chart as an example: Bit of a mess. It would help, if we somehow would be able make each individual LineSeries stand out. Enabling 3D The first step is to go from regular XYChart […]

Disabling scrollbar grips

Type tutorial

This short tutorial will show how you can disable grip buttons on chart Scrollbar. Here’s a regular scrollbar: Scrollbar’s grips are accessible via its startGrip and endGrip properties. To disable them, simply use their disabled properties: chart.scrollbarX.startGrip.disabled = true;chart.scrollbarX.endGrip.disabled = true; chart.scrollbarX.startGrip.disabled = true;chart.scrollbarX.endGrip.disabled = true; { // … “scrollbarX”: { “type”: “Scrollbar”, “startGrip”: { […]

Plugin: Slice Grouper

Type tutorial

This tutorial will show how you can use SliceGrouper plugin (available since version 4.3.11) to automatically group small slices on Pie, Funnel, Pyramid, or Pictorial Stacked series into a single expandable “Other” slice. NOTE SliceGrouper is a plugin. For information about using plugins, refer to this article. Purpose “Percent” charts such as Pie, Funnel, Pyramid, […]

Handling axis zoom events via API

Type tutorial

Any axis in amCharts 4 can be zoomed. And sometimes we need to know when that happens, as well as the range of the new zoom. This tutorial will walk through all the necessary information to make that happen. This works a bit differently on different axis types, so we’ll explore them separately. Catching zoom […]

Projected circles over map

Type tutorial

This tutorial will show how you can add “projected circles” on the map. Projected circles respect map projection and look much more natural, as if they were “laid down” on the ground, not stuck as pins. How to add regular images to map is covered pretty well in “Image series” section of our Map chart […]

Using actual images in MapImageSeries

Type tutorial

In our main Map Chart article we have touched the topic of creating an image series, feeding them data, and positioning them. However, we were operating using plain, same shapes. This tutorial will show how we can use actual images as markers on the map. Using same image Explaining MapImageSeries in our Map Chart article, […]