
Type class

Creates a bullet with a textual label.

Uses Label instance to draw the label, so the label itself is configurable.

IBulletEvents for a list of available events
IBulletAdapters for a list of available Adapters
@todo Usage example


LabelBullet can be used (imported) via one of the following packages.

 * --------------------------------------------------------
 * Import from: "charts.ts"
 * Use like: am4charts.LabelBullet
 * --------------------------------------------------------
import * as am4charts from "@amcharts/amcharts4/charts";

 * --------------------------------------------------------
 * Include via: <script src="charts.js"></script>
 * Access items like: am4.LabelBullet
 * --------------------------------------------------------


LabelBullet extends Bullet.

LabelBullet is not extended by any other symbol.



Type Adapter < this, ILabelBulletAdapters >

Inherited from Sprite

Holds Adapter.

Click here for more info about Adapters


Type Align

Inherited from Sprite

Controls horizontal alignment of the element.

This is used by parent Container when layouting its children.


Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from Sprite

DEPRECATION NOTICE: This setting is deprecated in favor of a more flexible setting: showTooltipOn. Please use showTooltipOn = "always" instead.

Indicates if this element should display a tooltip permanently.

Useful, if you want to show permanent tooltips on some items.

@since 4.5.4
@deprecated Use showTooltipOn = "always" instead


Type Array < Animation >

Inherited from Sprite

Returns a list elements's animations currently being played.

If the list has not been initialized it is created.


Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from Sprite

A read-only flag which indicates if a sprite has completed its initial animation (if showOnInit = true).

In case showOnInit = false, appeared is set to true on init.



Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from Sprite

Specifies if property changes on this object should be propagated to the objects cloned from this object.

This setting affects property changes *after* cloning, since at the moment of cloning all of properties from source object are copied to the clone anyway.


Type Sprite

Inherited from Container

An element to use as container background.


Type $type.Optional < Sprite >

Inherited from Sprite

Returns the mail chart object that this element belongs to.

In most cases it will mean the chart object.

Can be used to retrieve chart object in various events and adapters."hit", function(ev) {
});"hit", function(ev) {
  // ...
  "seriesContainer": {
    "events": {
      "hit": function(ev) {



Type List < Sprite >

Inherited from Container

Returns a list of the child Sprite elements contained in this Container.


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Indicates if the element is clickable.

Some type of the elements, like buttons are clickable by default.

Most of the elements are not clickable by default.

Use hit, doublehit, up, down, toggled events to watch for respective click/touch actions.


Type boolean

Default true

Inherited from Sprite

When cloning a sprite, if the template has it's own tooltip assigned, this tooltip is also cloned by default.

This is not good for cpu and sometimes you might only need one single tooltip for all clones. Set this to false in order not to clone tooltip.


Type $type.Optional < this >

Inherited from BaseObject

Reference to the original object this object was cloned from. We need to keep this so we can disassociate it from source object when this object is disposed.


Type object

Inherited from BaseObject

Use this property to set JSON-based config. When set, triggers processing routine, which will go through all properties, and try to apply values, create instances, etc.

Use this with caution, as it is a time-consuming process. It's used for initialchart setup only, not routine operations.


Type $type.Optional < string >

Inherited from Sprite

A field in data context of element's dataItem that holds config values for this element.

This is a very powerful feature, allowing changing virtually any setting, including those for element's children, for the element via data.

Example data:

  "value": 100,
  "config": {
    "fill": "#F00"

If you set element's configField = "config", the element for this specific data point will have a red fill.


Type Align

Inherited from Container

Horizontal alignment of the elements for the horizontal Container.

This is used when Container is larger than the height of all its children.


Type number

Inherited from Container

Height (in pixels) of the actual content in the Container.

Please note that it might be bigger than height of the Container.



Type VerticalAlign

Inherited from Container

Vertical alignment of the elements for the vertical Container.

This is used when Container is larger than the height of all its children.


Type number

Inherited from Container

Width (in pixels) of the actual content in the Container.

Please note that it might be bigger than width of the Container.



Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from Sprite

Should element prevent context menu to be displayed, e.g. when right-clicked?


Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from Bullet

Indicates if the bullet should be copied to legend marker


Type Array < IStyleProperty >

Inherited from Sprite

A shortcut to setting mouse cursor when button is pressed down.


series.slices.template.cursorDownStyle = am4core.MouseCursorStyle.grabbing;
series.slices.template.cursorDownStyle = am4core.MouseCursorStyle.grabbing;
  // ...
  "series": {
    // ...
    "slices": {
      "cursorDownStyle": "grabbing"


Type ICursorOptions

Inherited from Sprite

Returns element's cursor options.

Cursor options usually define cursor style for various states of the hovered element.

Elements inherit cursorOptions from their parents if they don't have them set explicitly.

ICursorOptions for a list of available options


Type Array < IStyleProperty >

Inherited from Sprite

A shortcut to setting mouse cursor on hover.


series.slices.template.cursorOverStyle = am4core.MouseCursorStyle.pointer;
series.slices.template.cursorOverStyle = am4core.MouseCursorStyle.pointer;
  // ...
  "series": {
    // ...
    "slices": {
      "cursorOverStyle": "pointer"


Type $type.Optional

Inherited from Sprite

A DataItem to use as element's data source.

@todo Review type


Type DateFormatter

Inherited from Sprite

A DateFormatter instance.

This is used to format dates, e.g. on a date axes, balloons, etc.

chart.dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd";
chart.dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd";
  // ...
  "dateFormatter": {
    "dateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd"

You can set a separate instance of formatter for each individual element. However that would be unnecessary overhead as all elements would automatically inherit formatter from their parents, all the way up to the chart itself.

DateFormatter for more info on dates formatting


Type SpriteState < ILabelBulletProperties, ILabelBulletAdapters >

Inherited from Sprite

Returns a SpriteState object for "default" state.

This is a shortcut to this.states.getKey("default").


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Controls if element is disabled.

A disabled element is hidden, and is removed from any processing, layout calculations, and generally treated as if it does not exist.

The element itself is not destroyed, though. Setting this back to false, will "resurrect" the element.


Type SVGSVGElement

Inherited from Sprite

Returns DOM element reference associated with this element.



Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Controls if the element is draggable.


Type any

Inherited from Sprite

A property which you can use to store any data you want.


Type DurationFormatter

Inherited from Sprite

A DurationFormatter instance.

This is used to format numbers as durations, e.g. on a value axes.

You can set a separate instance of formatter for each individual element. However that would be unnecessary overhead as all elements would automatically inherit formatter from their parents, all the way up to the chart itself.

DurationFormatter for more info on durations


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

A horizontal offset for the element in pixels.

Can be negative value for offset to the left.


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

A vertical offset for the element in pixels.

Can be negative value for offset upwards.


Type Optional < AMElement >

Inherited from Sprite

The main element for this Sprite, usually an SVG <g>.

All other sub-elements are created in it.


Type SpriteEventDispatcher < AMEvent < this, ILabelBulletEvents > >

Inherited from Sprite

Event dispatcher.

Click here for more info about Events


Type boolean

Default true

Inherited from Sprite

If set to false this element will be omitted when exporting the chart to an image.


Type Export

Inherited from Sprite

An Export instance.

Used to access API of the chart export functionality.

If exporting is not set, the element inherits Export instance from its parents.

Upon request, if no parent has such instance, a new one is created, using default settings, what in most cases is just enough.

Click here for more info about exporting


Type $type.Optional < Color | Pattern | LinearGradient | RadialGradient >

Inherited from Sprite

Element's fill color or pattern.


Type ColorModifier

Inherited from Sprite

ColorModifier that can be used to modify color and pattern of the element's fill, e.g. create gradients.


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Element's fill opacity.

Opacity ranges from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (fully opaque).


Type List < Filter >

Inherited from Sprite

Returns list of SVG filters (effects) applied to element. If the filter list is not yet initilized, creates and returns an empty one.

Note, not all filters combine well with one another. We recommend using one filter per sprite.


Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from Container

Controls if the grid of the Container should use fixed width. Fixed width grid will divide available space to all its columns/rows equally, without adapting to actual child sizes or size requirements.


Type Optional < boolean >

Default undefined (auto)

Inherited from Sprite

Controls if the element can gain focus.

Focusable element will be selectable via TAB key.

Please note, clicking it with a mouse or touching will not add focus to it.

Focused element will show a system-specific highlight, which might ruin the overal look. This is why we don't focus element on click/touch.

A default setting varies for different elements. By default all elements are not focusable, except certain items like buttons, legend items, etc.


Type $type.Optional < Sprite >

Inherited from Container

A reference to a currently focused item.

@since 4.9.29


Type string

Inherited from Container

Font family to be used for the text.

Parts of the text may override this setting using in-line formatting.


Type any

Inherited from Container

Font size to be used for the text. The size can either be numeric, in pixels, or other measurements.

Parts of the text may override this setting using in-line formatting.


Type FontWeight

Inherited from Container

Font weight to use for text.

Parts of the text may override this setting using in-line formatting.


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns element's current "global" scale.

Scale values accumulate over hierarchy of elements.

E.g. if a Container has scale = 2 and it's child has a scale = 2, the child's globalScale will be 4. (a multitude of 2 x 2)



Type Group

Inherited from Sprite

Holds Sprite's main SVG group (<g>) element. Other Sprite's elements are all placed in this group.


Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from Container

Indicates if this container contains any focused elements, including itself.


Type number | Percent

Inherited from Sprite

Element's absolute or relative height.

The height can either be absolute, set in numeric pixels, or relative, set in Percent.

Relative height will be calculated using closest measured ancestor Container.

NOTE: height is an accessor, which allows setting height in pixels or percent. It is a sort of a "shortcut" for the users. Actual renderer does not ever use it. It uses either pixelHeight or percentHeight, so if you need to add an adapter for height add it for either of the two properties - whichever suits your requirements.


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

If a sprite has showOnInit = true, it will animate from "hidden" to "default" state when initialized. To prevent this but keep showOnInit = true, you can set sprite.hidden = true.


Type SpriteState < ILabelBulletProperties, ILabelBulletAdapters >

Inherited from Sprite

Returns a SpriteState object for "hidden" state.

This is a shortcut to this.states.getKey("hidden").


Type IHitOptions

Inherited from Sprite

Returns Sprite's click (hit) options.

Click (hit) options control things like double-click, timeouts, etc.

IHitOptions for available options.


Type HorizontalCenter

Inherited from Sprite

Controls which part of the element to treat as a horizontal center.

The setting will be used when positioning, resizing and rotating the element.


Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from Sprite

If set to true, this element will also trigger "over" event with all the related consequences, like "hover" state being applied and tooltip being shown.

Useful as an accessibility feature to display rollover tooltips on items selected via keyboard.


Type IHoverOptions

Inherited from Sprite

Returns Sprite's hover options.

IHoverOptions for available options.


Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from Sprite

Controls if the element is hoverable (hover events are registered).

Use over and out events, to watch for those respective actions.


Type $type.Optional < HTMLElement >

Inherited from Sprite

An HTML element to be used when placing wrapper element (<div>) for the whole chart.

This is the same for all elements within the same chart.


Type string

Inherited from Sprite

Element's user-defined ID.

Will throw an Error if there already is an object with the same ID.

Please note that above check will be performed withing the scope of the current chart instance. It will not do checks across other chart instances or in globally in DOM.

Make sure the IDs are unique.


Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from Sprite

Controls if the element should use inertia when interacted with.

"Inert" element, when dragged and released, will carry the momentum of the movement, and will continue moving in the same drag direction, gradually reducing in speed until finally stops.


Type Dictionary < InertiaTypes, IInertiaOptions >

Inherited from Sprite

Returns element's options to be used for inertia. This setting is inheritable, meaning that if not set directly, it will search in all its ascendants until very top.

Inertia is used only if element's inert is set to true.

"Inert" element, when dragged and released, will carry the momentum of the movement, and will continue moving in the same drag direction, gradually reducing in speed until finally stops.

Check IInertiaOptions for how you tweak inertia animations.


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Returns true if Sprite has already finished initializing.


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns element's measured inner height in pixels.

Inner height is actual available space for content, e.g. element's height minus vertical padding.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns element's measured inner width in pixels.

Inner width is actual available space for content, e.g. element's width minus horizontal padding.



Type InteractionObject

Inherited from Sprite

Returns (creates if necessary) an InteractionObject associated with this element.

InteractionObject is used to attach all kinds of user-interactions to the element, e.g. click/touch, dragging, hovering, and similar events.


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Setting this to false will effectively disable all interactivity on the element.


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Indicates if this element is currently active (toggled on) or not (toggled off).


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Indicates if this element has any pointers (mouse or touch) pressing down on it.


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Returns indicator if this element is being dragged at the moment.


Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from Bullet

Indicates if the bullet is "dynamic".

In most cases the bullets remain the same, even if the underlying data changes.

However, in cases where bullet also displays a label, or its size depends on data, it also needs to be redrawn when the underlying data changes.

Only those bullets that have set isDynamic = true will be redrawn each time data changes. Regular bullets will be reused as they are.


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Indicates if this element is focused (possibly by tab navigation).


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

If sprite.hide() is called, we set isHidden to true when sprite is hidden.

This was added becaus hidden state might have visibility set to true and so there would not be possible to find out if a sprite is technically hidden or not.


Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from Sprite

If sprite.hide() is called and we have "hidden" state and transitionDuration > 0, we set isHiding flag to true in order to avoid restarting animations in case hide() method is called multiple times.


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Indicates if this element has a mouse pointer currently hovering over it, or if it has any touch pointers pressed on it.

You can force element to be "hovered" manually, by setting this property to true.


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Returns indicator if this element is being resized at the moment.


Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from Sprite

This property indicates if Sprite is currently being revealed from hidden state. This is used to prevent multiple calls to to restart reveal animation. (if enabled)


Type IKeyboardOptions

Inherited from Sprite

Returns elements keyboard options.


Type Label

A label (textual) element for the bullet.


Type Language

Inherited from Sprite

A Language instance to use for translations.

Normally it is enough to set language for the top-most element - chart.

All other element child elements will automatically re-use that language object.


Type ContainerLayout

Default "absolute"

Inherited from Container

Container layout.

Options: "absolute" (default), "vertical", "horizontal", "grid", "none". "none" is quite the same as "absolute" - the objects will be positioned at their x, y coordinates, the difference is that with "absolute" you can still use align/valign for children and with "none" you can not.

Use "none" as much as you can as it's most cpu-saving layout.


Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from Container


Type number

Inherited from Bullet

Relative horizontal location within cell. (0-1)


Type number

Inherited from Bullet

Relative vertical location within cell. (0-1)


Type Dictionary < string, any >

Inherited from Sprite

Returns a Dictionary which maps object ids with their respective objects.

Can be used to retrieve any object by id, e.g.:



Type number | Percent

Inherited from Sprite

Bottom margin - absolute (px) or relative (Percent).


Type number | Percent

Inherited from Sprite

Left margin - absolute (px) or relative (Percent).


Type number | Percent

Inherited from Sprite

Right margin - absolute (px) or relative (Percent).


Type number | Percent

Inherited from Sprite

Top margin - absolute (px) or relative (Percent).


Type Optional < number >

Inherited from Container

Maximum number of columns (when using "grid" layout).


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Maximum allowed height for the element in pixels.


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Maximum allowed width for the element in pixels.


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns elements's measured height in pixels.

A measured height is actual height of contents plus paddingTop and paddingBottom, relative to sprite parent, meaning that rotation and scale taken into account.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns element's measured width in pixels.

A measured width is actual width of contents plus paddingRight and* paddingLeft, relative to sprite parent, meaning that rotation and scale is taken into account.



Type Optional < number >

Inherited from Container

Minimum height (px) for the Container. A container will not auto-shrink beyond this value, even if child elements are smaller.


Type Optional < number >

Inherited from Container

Minimum width (px) for the Container. A container will not auto-shrink beyond this value, even if child elements are smaller.


Type Optional < Modal >

Inherited from Sprite

Returns a Modal instance, associated with this chart.

(elements top parent)Accessing modal does not make it appear. To make a modal appear, use showModal() method.

Modal for more information about using Modal windows


Type IMouseOptions

Inherited from Sprite

Mouse options.

Enables controlling options related to the mouse, for example sensitivity of its mouse wheel.

E.g. the below will reduce chart's wheel-zoom speed to half its default speed:

chart.plotContainer.mouseOptions.sensitivity = 0.5;
chart.plotContainer.mouseOptions.sensitivity = 0.5;
  // ...
  "plotContainer": {
    "mouseOptions": {
      "sensitivity": 0.5


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Controls if element should keep constant size and not scale even if there is space available, or it does not fit.


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Controls if the element's stroke (outline) should remain keep constant thicnkess and do not scale when the whole element is resized.


Type NumberFormatter

Inherited from Sprite

A NumberFormatter instance.

This is used to format numbers.

chart.numberFormatter.numberFormat = "#,###.#####";
chart.numberFormatter.numberFormat = "#,###.#####";
  // ...
  "numberFormatter": {
    "numberFormat": "#,###.#####"

You can set a separate instance of formatter for each individual element. However that would be unnecessary overhead as all elements would automatically inherit formatter from their parents, all the way up to the chart itself.

NumberFormatter for more info on formatting numbers


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Element's opacity.

Opacity setting can range from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (fully opaque).

ATTENTION: It is highly not recommended to use opacity directly on the element. The charts use opacity to hide/show elements, so your setting might be lost if element is hidden and then later shown.

Instead use methods hide() and show() to completely toggle off and on the element.

Or, use properties fillOpacity and strokeOpacity, if you need to make the element semi-transparent.


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns element's measured height plus its top and bottom margins in pixels.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns element's measured width plus its left and right margins in pixels.



Type number | Percent

Inherited from Sprite

Bottom padding - absolute (px) or relative (Percent).


Type number | Percent

Inherited from Sprite

Left padding - absolute (px) or relative (Percent).


Type number | Percent

Inherited from Sprite

Right padding - absolute (px) or relative (Percent).


Type number | Percent

Inherited from Sprite

Top padding - absolute (px) or relative (Percent).


Type Optional < Container >

Inherited from Sprite

Elements' parent Container.


Type string

Inherited from Sprite

Path of Sprite element


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns element's height in pixels. For actual height use measuredHeight property.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns current bottom margin in pixels.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns current left margin in pixels.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns current right margin in pixels.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns current top margin in pixels.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns current bottom padding in pixels.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns current left padding in pixels.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns current right padding in pixels.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns current top padding in pixels.



Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Controls if SVG vectors should be drawn with "pixel" precision, producing perfectly crisp lines on retina displays.

Setting this to true might improve visual quality, but may have a negative effect on performance.

Different elements use different default setting for pixelPerfect.

We recommend leaving this at their default settings, unless there's a specific need.


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns element's width in pixels, if width was set. For actual width use measuredWidth property.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns element's current absolute X coordinate in pixels.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns element's current absolute Y coordinate in pixels.



Type List < IPlugin >

Inherited from Sprite

A list of plugins (objects that implement IPlugin interface) attached to this object.

@since 4.2.2


Type Optional < ListTemplate < Popup > >

Inherited from Sprite

A list of popups for this chart.


Type $type.Optional < Preloader >

Inherited from Container

A Preloader instance to be used when Container is busy.


Type ILabelBulletProperties

Inherited from Sprite

Holds values for Sprite's properties.


Type object

Inherited from Sprite

A collection of key/value pairs that can be used to bind specific Sprite properties to DataItem.

For example: fill property can be bound to myCustomColor field in DataItem. The Sprite will automatically get the value for fill from its DataItem.

Can be set for each SpriteState individually to override default bindings.



Type string

Inherited from Sprite

Screen reader description of the element.


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Controls if element should be hidden from screen readers.

Click here for more information


Type string

Inherited from Sprite

Orientation of the element.

@since 4.7.16


Type string

Inherited from Sprite

Screen reader title of the element.


Type string

Inherited from Sprite

Current value of the element.

@since 4.7.16


Type string

Inherited from Sprite

Text representation of the current value of the element.

@since 4.7.16


Type Color | Pattern | LinearGradient | RadialGradient

Inherited from Sprite

A reference to a real fill object. Sometimes might be useful to modify gradient (when fill is color but we have FillModifier).


Type Color | Pattern | LinearGradient | RadialGradient

Inherited from Sprite

A reference to a real stroke object. Sometimes might be useful to modify gradient (when fill is color but we have a FillModifier).


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns current relative bottom margin.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns current relative left margin.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns current relative right margin.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns current relative top margin.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns current relative bottom padding.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns current relative left padding.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns current relative right padding.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns current relative top padding.



Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns element's current relative X coordinate in Percent.


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns element's current relative Y coordinate in Percent.



Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Indicates if this element is resizable.

Enabling resize will turn on various interactions on the element. Their actual functionality will depend on other properties.

If the element also draggable, resize will only happen with two points of contact on a touch device.

If the element is not draggable, resize can be performed with just one point of contact, touch or mouse.

Will invoke resize event every time the size of the element changes.


Type Optional < boolean >

Default false

Inherited from Container

If set to true, the children of the container will be drawn in reverse order.


Type Roles

Inherited from Sprite

A WAI-ARIA role for the element.

Click here for more information on WAI-ARIA roles


Type number

Default 0

Inherited from Sprite

Time in milliseconds after which rollout event happens when user rolls-out of the sprite. This helps to avoid flickering in some cases.


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Rotation of the element in degrees. (0-360)Note: For convenience purposes, negative values (for counter-clockwise rotation) and values exceeding 360 can also be used.


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

An RTL (right-to-left) setting.

RTL may affect alignment, text, and other visual properties.

If you set this on a top-level chart object, it will be used for all child elements, e.g. labels, unless they have their own rtl setting set directly on them.


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Scale of the element.

The scale is set from 0 (element reduced to nothing) to 1 (default size).

  • 2 will mean element is increased twice.
  • 0.5 - reduced by 50%.



Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from Container

Specifies if, when state is applied on this container, the same state should be applied to container's children as well as background.


Type Sprite[]

Default []

Inherited from Container

An array of references to elements the state should be set, when it is set on this element.


Type ShapeRendering

Default "auto"

Inherited from Sprite

An SVG-specific shape-rendering value.

shape-rendering controls how vector graphics are drawn and rendered.

Click here for more information about shape-rendering


Type boolean

Default true

Inherited from Sprite

Indicates whether this sprite should be cloned when cloning its parent container. We set this to false in those cases when a sprite is created by the class, so that when cloning a duplicate sprite would not appear.


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

If this is set to true, Sprite, when inited will be instantly hidden ("hidden" state applied) and then shown ("default" state applied).

If your "default" state's transitionDuration > 0 this will result in initial animation from "hidden" state to "default" state.

If you need a Sprite which has showOnInit = true not to be shown initially, set sprite.hidden = true. Setting sprite.visible = false will not prevent the animation and the sprite will be shown.


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Indicates whether the element should attempt to construct itself in a way so that system tooltip is shown if its readerTitle is set.


Type "hover" | "hit" | "always"

Default "hover"

Inherited from Sprite

Indicates when tooltip needs to be shown on this element:

  • "hover" (default) - Tooltip will be shown when element is hovered on.
  • "hit" - Tooltip will be shown when element is clicked/tapped. Tooltip will be hidden when clicked/tapped anywhere else.
  • "always" - Tooltip will be shown on the element permanently.

For example, if you would like to show tooltips on all of the columns of a ColumnSeries:

series.columns.template.showTooltipOn = "always";
series.columns.template.showTooltipOn = "always";
  // ...
  "series": [{
    // ...
    "columns": {
      "showTooltipOn": "always"

It can even be set to display on a selected columns via propertyFields:

series.columns.template.propertyFields.showTooltipOn = "tooltip";
series.columns.template.propertyFields.showTooltipOn = "tooltip";
  // ...
  "series": [{
    // ...
    "columns": {
      "propertyFields": {
        "showTooltipOn": "tooltip"

@since 4.7.9


Type DictionaryTemplate < string, SpriteState < ILabelBulletProperties, ILabelBulletAdapters > >

Inherited from Sprite

Returns a collection of element's available SpriteState entries.



Type Color | Pattern | LinearGradient | RadialGradient

Inherited from Sprite

Element's stroke (outline) color or pattern.


Type string

Inherited from Sprite

A stroke-dasharray for the stroke (outline).

"Dasharray" allows setting rules to make lines dashed, dotted, etc.

Click here for more info on stroke-dasharray


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

A stroke-dashoffset for the stroke (outline).

"Dashoffset" allows setting the start position of the dashes if strokeDasharray is used.

Click here for more info on stroke-dashoffset


Type "butt" | "square" | "round"

Inherited from Sprite

A stroke-linecap to indicate how line ends are drawn.

Click here for more info on stroke-linecap


Type "miter" | "round" | "bevel"

Inherited from Sprite

A stroke-linejoin to indicate how line ends are drawn.

Click here for more info on stroke-linejoin


Type ColorModifier

Inherited from Sprite

ColorModifier that can be used to modify color and pattern of the element's stroke (outline), e.g. create gradients.


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Stroke (outline) opacity.

The values may range from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (fully opaque).


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Stroke (outline) thickness in pixels.


Type $type.Optional < SVGContainer >

Inherited from Sprite

HTML container (<div>) which is used to place chart's <svg> element in.

Sets HTML container to add SVG and other chart elements to.


Type ISwipeOptions

Inherited from Sprite

Returns element's swipe gesture options.


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Controls if element is swipeable.

Swipable element will invoke swipe, swipeleft and swiperight events, when quick horizontal drag action is performed with either mouse or touch.

Please note that combining swipe and drag is possible, however will incur a slight but noticeable delay in drag start.


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

Sets or returns TAB index.

Tab index maintains the order in which focusable elements gain focus when TAB key is pressed.

Please note, tab index is not local to the chart. It affects the whole of the page, including non-SVG elements. Maintain extreme causion when setting tab indexes, as it affects the user experience for the whole web page.


Type number

Default 3000

Inherited from Container

If tapToActivate is used, this setting will determine how long the chart will stay in "active" mode.

@since 4.4.0


Type boolean

Default false

Inherited from Container

If set to true the chart's regular touch functionality will be suspended so that the whole page it is located in remains scrollable, even when swiping over the chart's body.

User will need to tap the chart in order to activate its regular touch functionality.

The chart will remain "active" as long as user keeps interacting with the chart. After tapTimeout milliseconds the chart will return to its "protected" mode.

@since 4.4.0
Click here For more information.


Type TextDecoration

Inherited from Container

A text decoration to use for text.

Parts of the text may override this setting using in-line formatting.


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Indicates if element can be toggled on and off by subsequent clicks/taps.

Togglable element will alternate its isActive property between true and false with each click.


Type $type.Optional < Tooltip >

Inherited from Sprite

A Tooltip object to be used when displayed rollover information for the element.


Type $type.Optional < Sprite >

Inherited from Sprite

A Sprite or sprite template to use when getting colors for tooltip. If a template is set, tooltip will look for a clone in tooltipDataItem.sprites. If no clone is found, then template colors will be used.



Type DataItem

Inherited from Sprite

A DataItem to use when populating content for the element's Tooltip.



Type string

Inherited from Sprite

An HTML template to be used to populate Tooltip contents.

If element has tooltipDataItem or dataItem set, this will be parsed for any data values to be replaced with the values from respective data items.


Type "fixed" | "pointer"

Inherited from Sprite

Specifies if Tooltip should follow the mouse or touch pointer or stay at the fixed position.



Type string

Inherited from Sprite

A text template to be used to populate Tooltip's contents.

If element has tooltipDataItem or dataItem set, this will be parsed for any data values to be replaced with the values from respective data items.

This template will also be parsed for any special formatting tags.



Type number | Percent

Inherited from Sprite

X coordinate the Tooltip should be shown at.


Type number | Percent

Inherited from Sprite

Y coordinate the Tooltip should be shown at.


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Indicates if the element is trackable (mouse position over it is reported to event listeners).

Will invoke track events whenever pointer (cursor) changes position while over element.

Please note, touch devices will also invoke track events when touch point is moved while holding down on a trackable element.


Type string

Inherited from BaseObject

Returns object's internal unique ID.


Type $type.Optional < string >

Inherited from Sprite

Click-through URL for this element.

If set, clicking/tapping this element will open the new URL in a target window/tab as set by urlTarget.

Please note that URL will be parsed by data placeholders in curly brackets, to be populated from data. E.g.:

series.columns.template.url = "{category.urlEncode()}";
series.columns.template.url = "{category.urlEncode()}";
  // ...
  "series": [{
    // ...
    "columns": {
      "url": "{category.urlEncode()}"


Type string

Inherited from Sprite

Target to use for URL clicks:

  • _blank
  • _self (default)
  • _parent
  • _top
  • Name of the window/frame Ignored if url is not set.


Type string

Inherited from Sprite

A custom class name to set on the element.

If set, the value will be added to element's class attribute.

@since 4.9.11


Type VerticalAlign

Inherited from Sprite

Controls vertical alignment of the element.

This is used by parent Container when layouting its children.


Type VerticalCenter

Inherited from Sprite

Controls which part of the element to treat as a vertical center.

The setting will be used when positioning, resizing and rotating the element.


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Indicates if element is current visible (true) or hidden (false).


Type boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Indicates if the element can be interacted with mouse wheel.

Will invoke wheel, wheelup, wheeldown, wheelleft, and wheelright events when using mouse wheel over the element.


Type number | Percent

Inherited from Sprite

Element's absolute or relative width.

The width can either be absolute, set in numeric pixels, or relative, set in Percent.

Relative width will be calculated using closest measured ancestor Container.

NOTE: width is an accessor, which allows setting width in pixels or percent. It is a sort of a "shortcut" for the users. Actual renderer does not ever use it. It uses either pixelWidth or percentWidth, so if you need to add an adapter for width add it for either of the two properties - whichever suits your requirements.


Type number | Percent

Inherited from Sprite

Element's absolute or relative X coordinate.

If setting both X and Y, please consider using moveTo() method instead, as it will be faster to set both coordinates at once.


Type string

Inherited from Bullet

[xField description]

@todo Description


Type number | Percent

Inherited from Sprite

Element's absolute or relative Y coordinate.

If setting both X and Y, please consider using moveTo() method instead, as it will be faster to set both coordinates at once.


Type string

Inherited from Bullet

[yField description]Description


Type number

Inherited from Sprite

A "zIndex" of the element.

"zIndex" determines the order of how elements are placed over each other.

Higher "zIndex" will mean the element will be draw on top of elements with lower "zIndexes".

There are 199 inherited items currently hidden from this list.



animationOptions: ISpriteAnimationOptions[] | ISpriteAnimationOptions,
duration: number,
easing?: ( value: number) => number



Returns Animation

Inherited from Sprite

Creates and starts an Animation with given animationOptions.

Animation for additional information about available options



Returns void

Inherited from Sprite

Hides the chart instantly and then shows it. If defaultState.transitionDuration > 0, this will result an animation in which properties of hidden state will animate to properties of visible state.


duration?: number



Returns $type.Optional < Animation >

Inherited from Sprite

Applies proper state based on the condition of the element. A condition is deducted in this order:

  • "hover" if Sprite has currently any pointers over it
  • "down" if Sprite has any pointers (touch or mouse) currently pressed over it
  • "focus" if Sprite has currently got focus (accessibility)
  • "hidden" if Sprite is currently hiddenReturns an Animation object, which is handling gradual transition from current values of properties, to the new target state(s).


property: Key,
source: S,
modifier?: ( value: this[""]) => this[""]



Returns void

Inherited from Sprite


cloneId?: string



Returns this

Inherited from BaseObject

Makes a copy of this object and returns the clone. Try to avoid cloning complex objects like chart, create new instances if you need them.



Returns void

Inherited from Sprite

Closes all currently open popup windows



Returns void

Inherited from Sprite

Hides modal window if there is one currently open.



Returns LabelBullet



source: this



Returns void

Copies all proprities and related stuff from another instance of LabelBullet.


classType: { }



Returns T

Inherited from Container

Creates a new element of specific type and assigns as a child to the Container.



Returns void

Inherited from Container

Invalidates the whole element, including layout AND all its child elements.

As this will essentially force all elements to redraw, use only if absolutely necessary.


eventType: Key,
data?: any



Returns void

Inherited from BaseObjectEvents

Dispatches an event using own event dispatcher. Will automatically populate event data object with event type and target (this element).

It also checks if there are any handlers registered for this sepecific event.


eventType: Key,
data?: any



Returns void

Inherited from BaseObjectEvents

Works like dispatch, except event is triggered immediately, without waiting for the next frame cycle.



Returns void

Inherited from Container

Dispatches ready event. Dispatches when all children are ready.



Returns void

Inherited from Container

Disposes (destroys) the element and all its children.



Returns void

Inherited from Container

Removes and destroys all Container's children.

To remove children from Container without destroying them, use removeChildren().


point: IPoint



Returns boolean

Inherited from Container

Checks if point is within bounds of a container.



Returns ITheme[]

Inherited from Sprite

Returns theme(s) used by this object either set explicitly on this element, inherited from parent, or inherited from System.


value: number | Percent



Returns number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns an X coordinate in pixel within the element.

If number is passed in as parameter, the same number will be returned back.

If Percent is passed in, it will be recalculated to pixels.


value: number | Percent



Returns number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns an Y coordinate in pixel within the element.

If number is passed in as parameter, the same number will be returned back.

If Percent is passed in, it will be recalculated to pixels.


propertyName: Key



Returns [""]

Inherited from Sprite

Returns element's property value.

Will check if there are any bindings with DataItem.

Will also apply any adapters bound to propertyName.


value: number | Percent



Returns number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns relative (percent) value of the X coordindate within this element.

A relative value is a hundredth of a percent. So 100% would result in a 1 as relative value.


value: number | Percent



Returns number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns relative (percent) value of the Y coordindate within this element.

A relative value is a hundredth of a percent. So 100% would result in a 1 as relative value.


point: IPoint



Returns IPoint

Inherited from Sprite

Converts element's local coordinates to the coordinates within the main chart container.


duration?: number



Returns $type.Optional < Animation >

Inherited from Sprite

Hides the element, by applying hidden state.

Has no effect if element is already hidden.

If duration is not specified, it will use default.

While element is fading out, its isHiding property will resolve to true.

When element is hidden, its visible property will resolve to false.


duration?: number



Returns void

Inherited from Sprite

Hides element's Tooltip.



sprite: Sprite



Returns boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Checks if the this element has any of its parts overlapping with another element.

@todo Description (review)


sprite: Sprite



Returns Sprite

Inherited from Sprite

Insert this element after sibling element.


sprite: Sprite



Returns Sprite

Inherited from Sprite

Insert this element before sibling element.



Returns void

Inherited from Container

Invalidates element.

Object will be redrawn during the next update cycle.

Please note that in most cases elements will auto-invalidate when needed. If everything works, DO NOT use this method. Use it only if some changes do not take otherwise.



Returns void

Inherited from Container

When fontSize of fontFamily changes we need to hard-invalidate all Labels of this container to position them properly.



Returns boolean

Inherited from BaseObject

Returns if this object has been already been disposed.



Returns boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Returns true if Sprite is currently transiting from one state/value to another.



Returns boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Returns true if interactions object was created. Mostly used just to avoid creating interactions object if not needed.



Returns boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Returns true if Sprite has already finished initializing and is ready.

If this object is a Container it will wait for all of its children are ready before becoming ready itself and firing a "ready" event.


top: number,
right: number,
bottom: number,
left: number



Returns Sprite

Inherited from Sprite

Sets all four margins for the element at once.

Margins are set in pixels.


htmlElement: string | HTMLElement



Returns void

Inherited from Container

Moves the whole chart to other HTML container.

htmlElement can either be a reference to a DOM element, or an id of such element.

@since 4.9.24


point: IPoint,
rotation?: number,
scale?: number,
isDragged?: boolean



Returns void

Inherited from Sprite

Moves the element to a specified coordinates.

Using this method is preferred method of moving element, as it saves some CPU processing power over setting x and y properties separately.

The method respects element's center settings. The element will be positioned so that point coordinates come in whatever "center" of the element is, as set in horizontalCenter and verticalCenter.

Besides moving the element, you can also at the same time scale and rotate the element.


text: string,
title?: string



Returns Optional < Modal >

Inherited from Sprite

Opens a modal window with specific content (text parameter) and, optionally, title.

The text parameter can contain HTML content.

Modal for more information about using Modal windows


text: string,
title?: string



Returns Optional < Popup >

Inherited from Sprite

Creates, opens, and returns a new Popup window.

text can be any valid HTML.

title is currently not supported.


top: number,
right: number,
bottom: number,
left: number



Returns Sprite

Inherited from Sprite

Sets padding for the element in pixels.



Returns void

Inherited from Container

Removes all Container's children without actually destroying them.

To destroy children use disposeChildren() instead.


property: Key,
value: any,
invalidate?: boolean,
transform?: boolean



Returns boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Sets elements's property value. Will also propagate the same property value on all element's clones.

@todo Review propagation to clones. Right now we simply check if clone is disposed before setting the same property on it. It's better to remove from clone list altogether.


value: string | SpriteState < ILabelBulletProperties, ILabelBulletAdapters > ,
transitionDuration?: number,
easing?: ( value: number) => number



Returns $type.Optional < Animation >

Inherited from Container

Applies a SpriteState on this element.

The first parameter can either be a name of the state or a SpriteState instance.

When run, this method will apply SVG properties defined in a SpriteState, but only those that are relevant to this particular element, that is are listed in its respective properties array.



value: boolean



Returns void

Inherited from Sprite

Sets visibility property:

  • true - visible
  • false - hidden


duration?: number



Returns $type.Optional < Animation >

Inherited from Sprite

Reveals hidden element.

Has no effect if element is already visible.

If duration is not specified, it will use default.


point?: IPoint



Returns boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Shows the element's Tooltip.

A tooltip will be populated using text templates in either tooltipHTML or tooltipText as well as data in tooltipDataItem.




Returns void

Inherited from Sprite

Moves the element to the very bottom in the element order, so that it appears behind other elements.



Returns void

Inherited from Sprite

Moves the element to the very top in element order, so that it appears in front of other elements.

There are 47 inherited items currently hidden from this list.



Param { type: "appeared",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when Sprite appears. Sprite appears when sprite.appear() method is called and show animation is finished.


Param { type: "beforedisposed",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked just before Sprite is disposed.


Param { type: "beforevalidated",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked before Sprite is validated.

@todo Description (check)


Param { event: FocusEvent,
  type: "blur",
  target: this }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when focusable object loses focus, e.g. by clicking outside it or pressing TAB button to focus on the next focusable object.


Param { newValue: Sprite,
  type: "childadded",
  target: this }

Inherited from IContainerEvents

Invoked when a child Sprite is added to Container.


Param { oldValue: Sprite,
  type: "childremoved",
  target: this }

Inherited from IContainerEvents

Invoked when a child Sprite is removed from


Param { type: "disabled",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when sprite is disabled


Param SpritePointerTypeEvent & SpritePointEvent & SpriteMouseTouchEvent & { type: "doublehit",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when Sprite is clicked or touched twice in rapid succession.


Param PointerTypeEvent & PointerEvent & MouseTouchEvent & { type: "down",
  target: this }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when the mouse button is pressed or touch starts.


Param PointerTypeEvent & ShiftEvent & PointEvent & { event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | KeyboardEvent,
  startPoint: IPoint,
  type: "drag",
  target: this }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when draggable object is being dragged. (using mouse, touch or keyboard)


Param SpritePointerTypeEvent & SpriteShiftEvent & SpritePointEvent & { event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | KeyboardEvent,
  startPoint: IPoint,
  type: "dragged",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when draggable object is being dragged. (using mouse, touch or keyboard).

This is simmilar but different then "drag" event in that it kicks in after "drag" which modifies Sprite coordinates. This allows doing own manipulations and corrections to element positions.


Param PointerTypeEvent & { event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | KeyboardEvent,
  type: "dragstart",
  target: this }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when draggable object dragging starts. This event is not invoked immediatelly after down, but only if there's a movement of the pointer.


Param PointerTypeEvent & { event: MouseTouchEvent | KeyboardEvent,
  type: "dragstop",
  target: this }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when draggable object is released. This event will not fire if position of the object did not change.


Param { type: "enabled",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when sprite is enabled


Param { event: FocusEvent,
  type: "focus",
  target: this }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when focusable object gains focus, e.g. by using TAB button.


Param { type: "globalscalechanged",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when the global scale changed, meaning that scale of Sprite or any of its ascendants changed.


Param { type: "hidden",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when visible Sprite is hidden.


Param SpritePointerTypeEvent & SpritePointEvent & SpriteMouseTouchEvent & { type: "hit",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when Sprite is clicked or touched.


Param { type: "inited",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when Sprite is initialized.


Param { event: KeyboardEvent,
  type: "input",
  target: this }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked whenever information changes in the textual input elements, like <input>, <textarea>, etc.


Param { event: KeyboardEvent,
  type: "keydown",
  target: this }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when the key is pressed on the keyboard.


Param { event: KeyboardEvent,
  type: "keypress",
  target: this }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when the key generates a "press", e.g. pressing and holding a letter key will generate repeated "keypress" events.


Param { event: KeyboardEvent,
  type: "keyup",
  target: this }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when the key is released on the keyboard.


Param { type: "layoutvalidated",
  target: this }

Inherited from IContainerEvents

invoked when layout of the container is validated


Param { previousHeight: number,
  previousWidth: number,
  type: "maxsizechanged",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when maximum available size of the Sprite changes, i.e. when the size of parent container changes.


Param PointerTypeEvent & MouseTouchEvent & PointerEvent & { type: "out",
  target: this }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when mouse cursor moves out of hoverable object or it is no longer touched.

NOTE: this event might not always contains pointer parameter as event might be triggered by API?


Param PointerTypeEvent & MouseTouchEvent & PointerEvent & { type: "over",
  target: this }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when mouse cursor moves over hoverable object or it is touched.

NOTE: this event might not always contains pointer parameter as event might be triggered by API?


Param { type: "parentset",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when a sprite is added to a parent


Param { type: "positionchanged",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when position of the Sprite changes.


Param { property: string,
  type: "propertychanged",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when property of the Sprite changes.


Param { type: "ready",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when Sprite is becomes ready, that is it has finished all calculations and building itself.

For Container object (and all those inheriting it, including charts) this event will fire when all children become ready.


Param { type: "removedfromqueue",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when chart is shown if am4core.options.queue = true or/and am4core.options.onlyShowOnViewport = true.


Param PointerTypeEvent & ScaleEvent & MouseTouchEvent & { point1: IPoint,
  point2: IPoint,
  startPoint1: IPoint,
  startPoint2: IPoint,
  type: "resize",
  target: this }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when resizable object is being resized either by mouse or touch pinch gesture.


Param { type: "rightclick",
  target: this }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when right mouse button is clicked on the object.


Param { type: "shown",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when hidden Sprite is shown.


Param { type: "sizechanged",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when size of the Sprite changes.


Param PointerTypeEvent & MouseTouchEvent & { type: "swipe",
  target: this }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when user performs "swiping" gesture (quick horizontal movement) on the object, either using mouse or touch.


Param PointerTypeEvent & MouseTouchEvent & { type: "swipeleft",
  target: this }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when user performs "swiping" gesture towards left.


Param PointerTypeEvent & MouseTouchEvent & { type: "swiperight",
  target: this }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when user performs "swiping" gesture towards right.


Param { type: "toggled",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when togglable Sprite is being toggled on and off. (its isActive property is being changed)


Param SpritePointerTypeEvent & SpritePointEvent & SpritePointerEvent & SpriteMouseTouchEvent & { type: "track",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when pointer (mouse cursor or touch point) moves over trackable Sprite.


Param { dummyData: string,
  type: "transformed",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

@todo Description


Param { type: "transitionended",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when Sprite completes transition to a SpriteState.


Param PointerTypeEvent & PointerEvent & MouseTouchEvent & { type: "up",
  target: this }

Inherited from IInteractionObjectEvents

Invoked when the mouse button is released or touch ends.


Param { type: "validated",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when Sprite is validated. (on init or after update)

@todo Description (check)


Param { visible: boolean,
  type: "visibilitychanged",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when visibility of the Sprite changes. (from visible to hidden, and vice versa)


Param SpritePointEvent & SpriteShiftEvent & { event: WheelEvent,
  type: "wheel",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when user turns mouse wheel while over the Sprite.


Param SpritePointEvent & SpriteShiftEvent & { event: WheelEvent,
  type: "wheeldown",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when user turns mouse wheel downwards while over the Sprite.


Param SpritePointEvent & SpriteShiftEvent & { event: WheelEvent,
  type: "wheelleft",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when user turns mouse wheel leftwards while over the Sprite.


Param SpritePointEvent & SpriteShiftEvent & { event: WheelEvent,
  type: "wheelright",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when user turns mouse wheel rightwards while over the Sprite.


Param SpritePointEvent & SpriteShiftEvent & { event: WheelEvent,
  type: "wheelup",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when user turns mouse wheel upwards while over the Sprite.


Param { type: "zIndexChanged",
  target: this }

Inherited from ISpriteEvents

Invoked when zIndex of a sprite is changed

There are 52 inherited items currently hidden from this list.



Param Align

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param Align

Inherited from IContainerProperties

Horizontal alignment of Container's items.


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param boolean

Inherited from IBulletProperties

Defines if this bullet should be copied to legend marker


Param Error

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param ICursorOptions

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param Color | LinearGradient | RadialGradient | Pattern

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param ColorModifier

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param boolean

Inherited from IContainerProperties

If set to true, all columns of the container with layout type "grid" will be equally sized.


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param string

Inherited from IContainerProperties

Font family for the text.


Param number

Inherited from IContainerProperties

Font size for the text.


Param FontWeight

Inherited from IContainerProperties

Default font weight.


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number | Percent

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param IHitOptions

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param HorizontalCenter

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param IHoverOptions

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param string

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param Dictionary < InertiaTypes, IInertiaOptions >

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param boolean

Inherited from IBulletProperties

Specifies if bullet needs to be redrawn if the underlying data changes.


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param IKeyboardOptions

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param ContainerLayout

Inherited from IContainerProperties

Container layout.

Options: "absolute" (default), "vertical", "horizontal", or "grid".


Param number

Inherited from IBulletProperties

Relative horizontal location within cell. (0-1)


Param number

Inherited from IBulletProperties

Relative vertical location within cell. (0-1)


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param Sprite

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number

Inherited from IContainerProperties

Maximum number of columns (when using "grid" layout).


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param IMouseOptions

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param string

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param string

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param string

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param string

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param string

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param string

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param AriaLive

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param string

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param string

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param string

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param string

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param boolean

Inherited from IContainerProperties

If set to true, the children of the container will be drawn in reverse order.


Param Roles

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param boolean

Inherited from IContainerProperties

Specifies if, when state is applied on this container, the same state should be applied to container's children as well as background.


Param ShapeRendering

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param "hover" | "hit" | "always"

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param Color | LinearGradient | RadialGradient | Pattern

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param string

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param "butt" | "square" | "round"

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param "miter" | "round" | "bevel"

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param ColorModifier

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param ISwipeOptions

Inherited from ISpriteAdapters


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param TextDecoration

Inherited from IContainerProperties

Default font decoration.


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param string

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param "fixed" | "pointer"

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param string

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number | Percent

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number | Percent

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param string

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param string

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param string

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param VerticalAlign

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param VerticalCenter

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param boolean

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number | Percent

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param number | Percent

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param string

Inherited from IBulletProperties

[string description]

@todo Description


Param number | Percent

Inherited from ISpriteProperties


Param string

Inherited from IBulletProperties

[string description]

@todo Description


Param number

Inherited from ISpriteProperties

There are 138 inherited items currently hidden from this list.